Friday, December 16, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

In honor of bringing the blogs together, we'll start by posting the last thing we talked about as Sigma Separately:  New Year's resolutions!

Let me ask you something if you're considering making a new year resolution:  Why on earth would you wait until the New Year?

Here's a list of what the government says are popular new year's resolutions: RESOLUTION!
Kind of interesting to think about the ways that we hinder ourselves when you look at things we want to change in the new year.

If it's about obeying the Lord, putting down things that harm you, or just simply making your life better, why on earth wait?!?  You don't need a date on the calendar to start listening to and obeying the things that God tells us to do.

Personally, I'm way too sporadic and lame when it comes to spending time with the Lord.  I'm making a plan to spend scheduled time praying, reading the Bible, and praying with my fam each week, and I'm starting it Monday.

What are your New Year's resolutions?

Here's what some have already said:
Coaltrain: For sure get into the word a tonn! Just have my faith grow more and more everyday to strengthen my relationship with Christ. start asking my friends if they need me to pray for them constantly! So to basically to sum it up, I'd stinking love to grow in my faith more and more throughout the next year!

Anonymous: I'd like to be able to have the strength to forgive a family member that completely broke me down this year constantly. I have all of this built up resentment towards this person and being able to forgive would make me so much more free and able to concentrate on bigger things in life.

Bringing the Blogs TOGETHER!

COR Leadership Track!

For the past several years Blogs for leadership track campers have been separated for Quest and Sigma, but all of you are so awesome we just thought we should all get together and share stuff on these blogs, so instead of keeping you separate; all of Leadership camps is now blogging on this blog!

HERE is the blog...but if you're reading this... you're already here.

Love you guys, looking forward to keeping up with you here!


Talk about what you got out of it, what challenged you, questions you have, and any other cool stuff about what you read in scripture.