Thursday, October 28, 2010


"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." ~ Romans 8:28

So many times I find myself worrying about the future. If I'm going through a hard time, I worry that the next day or even the next hour will only make my situation worse. Verses like Romans 8:28 help to wipe away my ALL things, God works for our good. So why should we be afraid of anything? God loves us so much. When it seems as if God is taking something away from you, you have to know that He's doing that for your good.

We are called to trust in God's plan for us. Even when it seems like things aren't working out for our good - they are. God works for the good of those who love Him.

I heard a great quote today that I think really goes with everything I'm talking about..."All pride, idolatry, and lust for control, stems from a lack of trust in the love of God." Quest, we only have a certain amount of control over our futures. The rest is up to God. So we have to trust in His plan for us and know that He loves us and only wants what's best for us. TRUST in Him.


P.S. All these posts on here are so awesome to read! Keep it up! :)

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