Tuesday, December 28, 2010

there is more

There is more. There's more to life than family, friends, sports, school, and your whole life. there is more. what i've really been concentrating on the past few days is this: "I am not made for me." God didn't create me to please ME, to make ME happy, to keep ME safe, to satisfy ME. It's all about HIM.
people have it backwards, me included. we get caught up in the lie that our life is about us. as crazy as it may sound, it's not. our desires, hopes, dreams, everything, should all be for Jesus. our desires should be Him and His will. Our hopes should match His. Our dreams should be that His will be done in every part of our lives. it's completely backwards to what we've grown up with our entire lives. and i know y'all know all of this already, but once you let it truly settle into your life, things change. and yeah, it's hard. but remember, we weren't made to live an easy life.
Think about it, God created a LOT of things. i mean, bunches. however, there are only 2 that will remain forever, for eternity, somewhere. 1) His Word and 2) people.
since we know that our life isn't about us, invest in other people. love them, serve them, support them. it's what we were made to do. think of God's greatest commandment, Matthew 22:37-39; "Love the Lord your God with all you heart with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself."
we are commanded to love God and love people. yet, it's what we were created to do. how backwards is that? so guys, let's get to it. love like crazy. let's do it


  1. Amen!!!!! Alexa this totally convicted me. Lately all I've been thinking about is me. How can I be more successful in music? How can I have more friends and meet more people? Really, like you said, we are commanded to love others before ourselves. I have been struggling with jealousy the past week or so and I have prayed and prayed someone would post something on the blog to help me. You are so awesome!!!


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