Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I want Him in the driver seat

Last week at my small group we got pretty deep. I mean DEEP. we mainly touched on relationship issues with girls and how we should act, and more importantly how do we know if this girl is someone you really should date.

This is the answer we came to: 1) Date someone who is in the same place as you are spiritually or 2) not date any one at all until your out of high school.

The whole dating, and wanting a girlfriend can become a huge distraction for me and it can pretty much be all i think about some times. this is what distracts me from seeking the Lord at times and last night i just said, "Lord, i want you in my drivers seat. Anytime you're ready to take control, so will I."

I want the Lord to take control, I want to find contentment in His Word and His Love. But there are so many distractions that I can't remember Him occasionally.

How do you give your heart fully to the Lord? How do you say to God, "Lord, here's my heart and my soul. Do with it what You will. You can have me."

1 comment:

  1. Well the sad truth is that those distractions will never go away. It's so hard to follow Christ faithfully in the middle of all these temptations, isn't it? I guess that's why a life spent with Christ is so freeing, because even though we are not completely free from these temptations, we know that with Christ we can overcome them.

    About the dating thing...I've really struggled with wanting a boyfriend in the past. The quote below and A LOT of prayer really helped me overcome that:

    "God gives us all a season of singleness to serve Him, and many of us spend it miserable because the future is not here yet. Before we can truly love another, He wants us to be secure and content in His love alone. But we should be honest with ourselves, so that we're not trying to become content with Him so He'll give us what we want. If we are genuine with Him and we cling to Him in our loneliness, He can give us true peace in a time of fear and sadness. In our greatest times of loneliness, He can inspire us to look beyond ourselves to serve those who are far lonelier than we are. If you notice, the happiest people on earth are those who forget about themselves. The saddest people are those who forget about others because they never stop thinking about themselves. So, return to prayer and ask God how He wants you to serve Him."


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