Monday, May 30, 2011

Advice Needed

So I don't really have a specific method in reading the Bible. I just pick a chapter and work my way through. But I really need some advice from Quest about which chapter I should read next! I was looking for something about really strong faith. A chapter that deals with doubting God. That kind of thing. I know this is EXTREMELY vague, but if anyone knows of a certain place for me to go that would be particularly helpful, I would greatly appreciate it!

Thanks everyone.

ps: listen to Blessings by Laura Story. One of the greatest songs ever!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lauren! okay so if you want something that deals with doubting God you should definitely read Jonah because its all about his struggle with him trying to flee from God. I really like it because its a childrens story that we all know but if we really look at it we can get a lot more out of it. As far as something that talks about really strong faith you should read Job. In the new testament i really love Ephesians and thats usually where I start when i want to get back into the swing of reading my bible.


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