Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So before i start i just wanted to share with everyone a blog that i have come across.
It has been really helpful and there are daily reflections. Check it out!

So I haven't posted in a while so i just wanted to check in with all of you.
It wasn't until a couple months ago that I started getting involved in a church. I found one that has been working out really well- one that i really seem to like. This had been a long time prayer of mine and it is amazing to finally see it come true. More than that, i had been praying my heart out for a group of girls to be in community and accountability with as well as an older mentor to look up to and learn from. I honestly thought that this would be impossible, when i first started praying about this. Its funny how God seems to laugh at the seemingly "impossible" gifts. I was randomly talking to a girl at my school who has been a teammate of mine and she asked me, out of the blue, if i wanted to go to a bible study at her house. It took off from there and I am now apart of a small group with like 7 other girls and two leaders! I have already learned so much and I am so amazed that this worked out the way it did. It is honestly unbelievable. God has also managed to work in my life in another incredible way. I have been given the opportunity to work with Sky Ranch in the dallas day camps! I am sure this goes for most of us in quest but it has been the biggest dream of mine to be a Sky Ranch counselor ever since I was a little Sky 1 girl. The fact that God has placed me in a position where I can be an example for these girls is quite amazing. I know that it will be challenging at times when I have to wake up early and will be missing out on events with my friends but it will pay off in a much bigger way. There is no work more important than doing the work of God. We are all called to be representatives of his kingdom and we have to do that all for His glory.

These are huge prayers of mine, guys. I never imagined that they would come together in the most perfect way but I guess I just forget how truly amazing our God is. He really does want us to succeed and will give us all the tools we need to do it. If you guys are not in the place where you can really see God working in your life, I pray that you hang in there and cling to Him even tighter because he will provide. Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled." God WANTS to fill us up, he loves us so much that we cant even understand. Do not be discouraged and dont fill your hunger with other worldly things, because they will not be satisfying. It is better to wait for something great than to be distracted by things that will lead us away from greatness. I know what it is like to feel forgotten about and left behind. God does not forget, we are called to be patient and trust that he has a plan for us. Isaiah 49:16 "See, i have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me." Trust him to fill up your spirit and bestow his strength on to you.
I love you all; i cant wait for the reunion!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, this is awesome. it's so cool to see how the Lord is faithful in answering prayers. I love it! And you're totally right, no work compares to doing the work of God. nothing! I am so glad that we get to do his work, that he chooses to use us. I also really love how you said it's better to wait for something great than be distracted. I feel like i struggle with that. this post is so encouraging! thanks!


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