Monday, March 21, 2011

Where does faith belong in dating?

hey everyone. long time no see.

so i'm thinking about trying to make a girl my girlfriend. but a couple of weeks ago, my small group and i talked about dating and my leader said "I think its alright to date if you and the other person are in the same place spiritually."

so i asked my friends in class today the same question on what they thought about faith or christianity in a relationship. They said that it doesn't really play a big role in dating.

What do you guys think about this? (please comment)


  1. First of all, a person's faith should play a huge role in a relationship with another person. At least for me it's a big factor. Secondly, I agree that you should date someone (if you are choosing to date at all) who is in the same place in their walk as you are. IF they aren't, either you might get pulled down, they might get pulled down, and both of you might even lose sight of your priorities. So keep that in mind. Plus, think about how much more fruitful your relationship could be if it's with someone who understands what you're going through! Someone who can relate and share in your burdens and you in theirs! That's probably one of the coolest things to me. I mean, if i'm gonna do life with someone, i would want it to be a person who loves the Lord like I do and is struggling and succeeding in some of the same areas I am. It's just a great bond 2 people can share. Sorry that's kinda long, haha, got a little carried away...hope this helps!

  2. Might be wrong, but here's my opinion:
    You can go on a couple dates with someone at a different spiritual level just to get a feel for who they are and if they're at your level. Don't ask her to be your girlfriend, though, until you know you're at the same level.
    Other than that, though, I agree with Alexa.

  3. I love this question. A few of my friends are in relationships now and they're wondering the same thing, so I've had a lot of conversations with them about this kind of stuff.

    I agree with alexa and erin. You really should date someone who's on the same level as you spiritually, or don't date at all. Especially with high school relationships, which can be very crazy sometimes.

    Dating someone who's on the same level as you spiritually helps you (as alexa and erin said) not to lose sight of your priorities. Above all, you BOTH have to put your relationship with God above your relationship with each other. Knowing you, I don't think you'd ever put anything above God, but just be reallyyy careful with that, because I bet it's easy to get carried away when you're dating someone.


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