Monday, November 1, 2010


Matthew 4:17 says, "And a voice came from the heavens, saying, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." That's from the Baptism of Jesus, where the dove comes down from the cloud and comes upon him. Nothing new, really. Jesus is amazing, Son of God, free of sin.

But I just kinda zoned out for a minute and was thinking, "that must be really cool. I can't even imagine what it would feel like to be called God's beloved child. I wish I could hear him say that he was well pleased with me."

So, being the sarcastic person I am, I thought, "Well, better get started on that."

Because, really, I know I can never be perfect. But, I can at least try. And maybe, then, God will say that he was well pleased pleased with me.

That would be SO AWESOME!!

So that's your goal, Quest: do you accept the challenge?

Keep it up! -Erin W.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this post, too! But the first thing i thought of when I read it was that we are already his beloved! Just like you said in the last post, he is jealous for us! and he IS pleased with us as his children! and yeah, we can't ever be perfect, but everytime we do something good (rather He does something good through us), he is pleased like a proud dad. and even when we fail and run to Him, he is pleased! He loves us no matter what! That's the totally awesome part about the Lord that this post reminded me of. So keep working, and I'm totally taking on this challenge, just don't think that you have to work to win his approval, because we are already freed from that burden. This is great. Keep it up!!


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