Thursday, November 19, 2009

I don't wanna be "that girl" anymore...

"Do not change yourseleves to be like the people of this world, But be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you. And you will be able to know what is good and pleasing to God and what is perfect." - Romans 12:2

I have a bad habit...this habit is a little something called: sarcasm. The worst habit in the entire world! Guys not good! It tears down and cuts out. It tears down someone or something, its cuts out the encouragment and love that I am supposed to show people. Gaw! But I don't wanna give it all! I feel like that's why the only people like me, like Lila told me the same thing last year, and it's true. I feel like the only reason people are friends with me is because I am not afraid to be silly and because I am so "sarcastic" and they like it, but obviously thesess arent my REAL friends, but my school friends, and I love having them because they think I am funny, which is always a confidence boost, and they are the people I have to talk to all day. When I read this I felt so so so convicted, I can't tell you how many times I told this verse to people this summer, it's on my backpack, i shared it in the circle during "candle time", small group, and even behind closed doors! BUT MAN! I AM SUCH A LOSER! I told them this verse but did something completely different. I wasnt even applying to my life! GAW! Guys like I don't wanna be like the world, sarcasm is of the world, think of the world we live in, its a sarcastic world, our generation? a sarcastic generation! and I'm no better than the rest of them I am not set apart from them, and I am supposed to be, I am supposed to be different, I am supposed to be set apart, and I am not. Guys I don't wanna be held back by this anymore, in order to reach my full potential in Jesus, I have to get rid of the things that tie me down. I'm done with finding my confidence in what others think of me. Like I wish I wouldve noticed it before, but I am just so glad I have now! I'm ready for a boost in my relationship with the one I love, and this is how I am going to have to get that.
This is what I got out of Romans 12.
What did you get out of it?


1 comment:

  1. i am encouraged by your heart madi greer. keep posting... it blesses me


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Talk about what you got out of it, what challenged you, questions you have, and any other cool stuff about what you read in scripture.