Sunday, November 1, 2009

sunday morning encouragement

Psalm 73:23-26
Nevertheless I am continually with you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me with honor. Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire other than you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

I had a dream two nights ago that the rapture occurred and the heavens opened, it was like a bright white light and you couldn't see anything around you-- it illuminated the entire sky and earth. Everyone that saw this and knew the Lord knew what was happening and I was standing on a building with others and we jumped off and ascended into the sky. As for others that did not know the Lord, they watched us do this with curiosity and tried it but fell back down to the earth. I remember feeling extremely peaceful during my sleep.
Then in my dream I remember being in heaven with someone, another girl...I don't remember who. But the Lord wanted us to go back to earth during the tribulation and be believers and try to help people know Him so He sent us back. I remember the transition between heaven and the world. I remember being shocked and seeing the earth--it was destroyed. Buildings had fallen everywhere, it was dirty and rubble and trash abounded. People walked around like zombies and they had NO CLUE what was going on. This girl and I found a group of people, a family I think, and began spending time with them to try to evangelize.
That is all I remember dreaming about but I thought it was fascinating and I also thought it was real until I woke up. I really thought it had happened...
Heaven is going to be SO AWESOME, you guys. Like, everything that happened down here and every grade on a paper or every mean thing someone said about you seriously doesn't and won't matter ever again. I remember thinking that when I was in heaven in my dream--thinking, wow, none of that even mattered compared to THIS! for eternity!

just wanted to share with you all. have a wonderful week.

1 comment:

  1. Whitley that is SO COOL! Dreams are so fascinating...sometimes I wonder if what happens when we dream might possibly happen in real life. Who knows, but it's so awesome to think about what it will be like.

    Thanks for that! (: Reading your post was like reading a chapter of Revelation...haha


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