Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Finding encouragement in Philippians

Last night I was pretty discouraged. It is so awesome to have so many of the Quest kids back at camp but it is hard for me when they tell me how difficult it was for them this past year with their faith. I care about you guys so much and I wish I could just walk through life with each of you. But then I got to thinking that it doesn't matter how hard I try to encourage you guys, equip you guys, or blog with you guys.... even with the best motives, it is not enough. God has to capture the hearts of his sons and daughters and move in their lives.

I was sitting down by the fire and felt hopeless, it didn't matter how awesome of a week the Quest kids have, it is completely in God's hands after you leave camp (don't get me wrong I know that it is 100% Christ in me that can do anything here at camp, I know that it is not me, trust me, if it was, Quest would be nothing). But it is the fact that I can't do anymore than a week and blog you know? I was broken last night.

I woke up this morning not very motivated to read my Bible but decided that I would look into Philippians. In the first chapter, Paul talks about how much he misses those he loved dearly that he had to leave.

"For God is my witness how I long for each of you with the affection of Christ Jesus." Php 1:8

That caught my eye because I feel really similarly about you guys. I kept reading and a couple of verses before that last one it said:
"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion."

Paul was devastated to leave these people but he was confident in the Lord who is the one who does the work inside of them.

Then Paul talks about how earnestly he prays for them. I was so encouraged through this and realized that prayer is really all I can do. We serve a God who is so big and loves each of you more than I ever could imagine. Of course he will complete the work he started in you and carry you into completion.

I am praying for you guys harder than ever, and more humbled than ever. May Christ continue to capture your hearts

1 comment:

  1. Cameron thank you so much for starting this back up again!


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