Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Okey dokey, I know that everyone has to deal with these people. Judgers (or people who judge if you are an English grammar freak :D). Anyway, judgers annoy me to no end. Seriously. I cannot stand it when I am with someone and they say things like "wow that girl is really fat" or "that guy is super ugly". It annoys me, and yet I judge all the time. Why is that we do the things that annoy us the most? I have been getting better at not judging. I sit there and tell myself, "who am I to judge?" Besides, I do not want people judging me (and I know they do). So, my question for ya'll is, what do ya'll do when you find yourself judging someone? And, are there any bible verses for this? LET ME KNOW!!!!

I love you all and miss you so very much!


  1. I used to judge people constantly too. I just couldn't help it! Recently, one of my friends told me this amazing quote this has really helped me to see people differently...

    "See the face of Christ in everyone."

    Whenever I'm about to judge someone, I repeat this quote to myself. It has helped A LOT! I think when we learn how to treat other people just as we would treat Christ, then we learn how to stop judging, and start loving.

    Hope that helped!

  2. "do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37

    Jesus teaches us to act in the complete OPPOSITE way than what the world does. He led a rebellion against the ways of this world when he taught, it's ridiculous and awesome.

    One thing I do personally in that situation is remember that everyone is the way they are for a reason. I have found that the people that I want to judge every time I see them... if I actually get to know them I usually find out why the way they are. Whether it be their parents or something really awful that happened to them or a major insecurity.

    So I try to not judge anyone because I really dont know them, and if I did I would probably understand why they are the way they are.

    That make sense?


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