Thursday, August 26, 2010

Our big bad mistakes broadcasted...

Today I was reading in Matthew chapter 26 and I came upon where Peter denies Jesus. Just previously he has said, “Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you!” (Matthew 26:35) But then in verses 69-75 we read how Peter denies Jesus three times. How shameful Peter must have felt, and even more so that his ultimate moment of shame was printed in the Bible. I think about how sometimes we make the biggest mistakes and they are something we want to keep hidden. In fact, we get angry with friends and relatives even when they talk about our mistakes. “Rumors” are started and our shame and guilt increases because the fear of man is upon us.

But switching gears and continuing on in another gospel, John 21, Jesus and Peter begin to talk and Peter’s shame for what he has done comes to the surface along with Jesus’ knowledge of his action. Jesus asks Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” Peter is given the opportunity to confess his love to Christ. John 21:15-19 is one of my favorite passages in the Bible. Why? Because Christ does not ask Peter to get on his hands and knees and beg forgiveness, but in contrast, “Peter, do you love me?” Peter’s biggest mistake and greatest grievance turns around and we are able to see the beautiful grace and mercy of Christ. Further, we are able to see Jesus’ heart.

My point in sharing this with you today is because we are not perfect, not one of us. (We learn this every day and in Romans, don’t we!?) So, we know we are not perfect, and we also know that God uses all things for the glory of him (Romans 8:28). So, the next time you are so concerned about other people finding out about your mistakes, remember Peter. And how his biggest mistake is printed in the most influential history book to ever exist on the earth. But, not only his biggest mistake, one of the most awesome pictures of Jesus’ heart and grace through his forgiveness. Glory was brought to the Lord through Peter’s denial, as shocking as that may seem, because Jesus was given an opportunity to extend grace. It is yet another demonstration of how awesome Christ is and how much he loves us. There is so much we can learn from our Bible characters and their actions. And remember… they weren’t just characters, they were actual human beings who once lived and breathed just like us.

I LOVE IT! And I love you guys. Take care and you know you can always talk to me! I miss you all.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing that Lindsey! A few weeks ago, I all of a sudden started thinking about all of my mistakes...I started to really worry that God wouldn't forgive me for all the things I've done. That night, my friend went to a Tenth Avenue North concert. She called me while she was at the concert so I could listen to some songs for a few minutes. Before they played a song called "Healing Begins," they talked about how even though each and every one of us has already made so many mistakes, WE ARE ALREADY FORGIVEN. Jesus died for us on the cross to forgive us of our sins, so we could go to no matter what we do, God will always graciously forgive us! So we need to go to Him as the broken people we are and ask Him to bring light to our lives!


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