Wednesday, September 29, 2010

If you have a minute... could you give me some feedback?

Hey team... sorry for my extended absence from the blog, you have no idea hos encouraging it is to see you guys running after the Lord. It stinkin PUMPS ME UP!

On a totally separate note... I'm working on putting together a little Bible study for Sky Ranch campers in the future. If you have a minute, could you check this out and give me some feedback. Too long/short? Too deep of a passage? Not enough material? Confusing? Not interesting? Etc...

Dig It
Paul wrote this letter to the Roman church before he ever went to go see them. All of his other letters he was writing to follow up with the believers, so when Paul writes Romans he is really thorough in explaining the gospel. Romans is SO good and has lots of theology that is thick, but for sure one of my favorite books.

Zoom in
Read Chapter 8:1-17
We are digging in to one of the more encouraging passages in the New Testament today. Paul has just finished explaining how we are all sinners and no matter what we do, all of us have fallen short of God’s glory. He begins with a huge statement in chapter 8 and goes on to contrast the life lead by the flesh and the life led by the spirit. God also goes on to call those who are led by the spirit the “sons” and daughters of God. Not only are we God’s children, he says we are his heirs with Christ, he passes along his glorious inheritance to US?! Crazy!

Live it
What does “no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus” mean?

What are examples in your life of living by the flesh?

What are examples in your life of living by the spirit?

Do you walk like a Son/Daughter of God who is a fellow heir with Christ?


  1. It's good! i like it. But when you're formulating the questions, leave room for kids who havent experienced or let that something happen.

    for example:

    "What are examples in your life of living by
    the flesh, or what can you do to start living by the flesh?"


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Talk about what you got out of it, what challenged you, questions you have, and any other cool stuff about what you read in scripture.