Sunday, April 17, 2011

Baptised someday....

Hey everyone. I got something good to say so PLEASE READ: I was coming home from my youth group after we had just talked about something called Baptism Sunday, and its where they ask the people in the youth group to help out with the baptising. Anyway, i was listening to "The Stand" by Hillsong, and it got me thinking about my baptism. I was baptised as a baby in the catholic church and i didn't become a beliver in Christ until Marcus lead me to Him when i was 14. So the lyrics to the Stand go like this: "So i'll stand, with arms high and heart abandoned, In awe, of the One who gave it all." When i was baptised, I wasn't standing on my own two feet, and not knowing Christ. So i talked with my small group about it, and I decided that I want to be baptised when I'M standing up there on my own, and declaring my belief in Jesus. So this is the main question of this post: I talked to Marcus about this, and I think it would be really cool if i got baptised at the place where my faith originated: Sky Ranch. I dont know if i should get Baptised at Sky Ranch or at my church's Baptism Sunday, so if u think it would be okay if i could get baptised when I'm at Sky Ranch over the summer then please tell me.


  1. I think it's great that you want to commit yourself to Christ again!
    Ok, so I'm Catholic, so it might be a little different from your denomination, but I'm 99% sure you have to be baptized by a priest.
    Also, your infant baptism is still you know what Confirmation is? If so, have you had yours? That might be the way to go.
    Once again, though, it probably differs between denominations. Definitely talk to your pastor about what regulation there are!

  2. So cool! I think you should do it at Sky!


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