Saturday, April 16, 2011

Church Talk

Last Sunday I spoke in church, and here's what I said. Maybe it'll be an encouragement to some of you, i don't really know. but it really put things in perspective for me!

I often make the mistake of thinking that my life is about me. I think about what I want to do, what will please me, how I should be treated. The fact is, my life isn't about me. My life is meant to be centered on Christ. Every day I live should be about pursuing him, loving him, worshiping him, honoring him, serving him, and sharing him.

Take a look at the story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew he was nearing his return to the Father. So he lowered himself as a servant, washing the disciples' feet. Back then, washing someone else's feet was a huge deal. Only the lowest of the low were burdened with that task. But Jesus did it. John 13:16 says "No servant is greater than his master." If Jesus Christ, my master and Lord washed feet and was the ultimate servant to all people, what then should my life look like? I should strive to serve like Christ did, with all that I am. That means that my life is NOT about me; I was not created for ME. I was made to seek, to serve, and to love. Now i know It can be hard to live a life that is backwards to what the world says you should do, but it's what we're called to do, it's who we're called to be--servants of Christ living with love for Him and his people.

But how am I, being the imperfect sinner that I am, supposed to live a life worthy of the calling I have received, like it says in Ephesians 4? I cannot do it alone. But Christ is the answer. Having him at the center of my life makes all the difference. With him, I don’t have to be strong enough, I don’t have to be good enough, and I don’t have to earn his love. His grace is sufficient for me. Putting Christ at the center of my life changes everything about me. It makes me a new person, a better person. All the pleasures and satisfactions of this world fade away when I am broken at the cross, humbled, in awe of his perfect glory.

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