Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Hey guys!
First of all, happy Holy Week! Today, I wanted to focus not on Easter, though, like is generally standard, but on Good Friday.
I was thinking about what a good model Jesus' crucifixion is for us to live our life (I mean, it's completely different and we can never compare, but work with me). There are a ton of ways where Christ gives us the perfect example even while suffering, but I wanted to focus on mockery and death today.
How many times to you get teased for being a Christian? I'm not usually, but sometimes people think it's weird when I try to be more than lukewarm, ya know? It feels horrible: like you're completely isolated and you're never going to be popular again. People says words can't hurt, but they really can. You basically want to die.
Jesus knew how this felt, too. He was mocked by almost everyone in Jerusalem, everyone from soldiers to elderly scribes! All because he did (well, was) the right thing. He suffered so much by the words of people. I bet he wanted to die, too.
But here's something interesting: the gospels don't use the word 'died' to describe Jesus' death. Instead, they say that he 'gave up his spirit'. Jesus knew the only way to be saved from the hurt of mockery: give yourself totally to God. Give him your spirit.
I just thought that was something interesting. So this Good Friday, think about this: have you given God your spirit?
Have a great week, guys! -Erin W.

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