Saturday, July 18, 2009

proverbs 18

I just want to start off by saying that you all are astounding me. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts below about God's is INCREDIBLE how doing the interactive bible study has equipped you to look deeper into each verse, taking it apart so intricately and pulling out so many beautiful and awe-inspiring connections, thoughts, and guys are doing a great job posting, so don't be afraid or timid. Keep it up and keep diving deep into His word.

Evi, I love the paragraph you wrote about the name of the Lord being a strong tower. THINK about that--just His NAME ALONE is a strong tower...not to mention, everything that He IS! He is a strong tower, a refuge of strength, comfort, and love. He is all that is strong...His weakness is stronger than any human strength (1 Corinthians 1:25). His WEAKNESS....God's stronger than any human strength or man-made strength on earth. That just shows us how strong He is. And the fact that His name alone, just His name, is representative of stronger than anything of this world...that is so big.

I wanted to talk about verse 11, which follows the strong tower verse:
10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.
11 The wealth of the rich is their strong city; in their imagination it is like a high wall.

I was really curious about this verse and so Cam and I looked it up on a website to find out more about what this was saying. Basically what we found was that this proverb is talking about security-- true security and strength in Christ, or finding security in things of this world, like riches, wealth, pride, vanity, etc. I strongly believe that our biggest struggle as humans is security. We try to place our identity and our security in what people think about us, if people like us, if we have a lot of things or material wealth, if we are acknowledged for our talents or deeds, if we have someone tell us we are beautiful or that they love us, security in a person or a friend or a relationship, security in everything other than God. When we place our identity and security in these things, once they fall away from us or are no longer present in our lives, we crumble. The ground beneath us is shaken and we don't know who we are anymore.

This summer has been a huge search for my security in the Lord. I finally realized that this was my biggest struggle. I was placing my identity and my security in people--if a boy liked me, if people thought I was a good dancer or a good Christian, if my campers liked me and thought I was a cool counselor...these types of things, although they aren't inherently sinful themselves, when placed above what God thinks of me--which, He views me as His CHILD, as His beloved, as His daughter, someone who He loves and cherishes and He does all of those who believe-- when they are placed above Him and His wonderful thoughts for me, they bring such disappointment. We all are insecure beings. We constantly want people to tell us that we are doing things right, and that we are important and loved. But we just need to know that we are HIS...we are children of the creator of the universe, and He loves us. That is so much bigger and eternal, whereas people and things of this world are temporary.

Brooke Fraser writes in her song C.S. Lewis Song:

If I find in myself desires nothing in this world can satisfy,
I can only conclude that I was not made for here.

This goes to show that when we desire the Lord above all things...when we desire HIS love and HIS acceptance above riches, above people, above a boyfriend or a girlfriend...that is eternal. We are not made for here...we are made for heaven to be with Him and praise Him for eternity! I pray that all of you, if you are feeling insecure, unworthy, or unloved, to just K N O W that God created you, knows the hairs on your head, has amazing plans for you, and loves you...more than you can imagine. Find your true security in Him alone, and you will never be disappointed.


  1. mmmm... brooke fraser. well said, whit. :]

  2. first of all I agree with you on the security thing like 200%

    second... I came up to sky today and I was gonna come visit you in star creek but I didn't have enough time. I hope everything goes good with the sky 1 kids! Good luck!

  3. however, it was C.S. Lewis that said that, so we can't give credit to brooke... although she is PHENOMENAL.

    love y'all!


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