Monday, July 27, 2009

Read The Contract First

Hey everyone. I know that everyone's writing about about Proverbs and keeping on track with the daily bible verses, and this is completely unrelated to any of that. But Sunday my Pastor was talking about the book of Acts, and he gave an analogy about how God gave His Son for us, and what we were freed from, and I'd like to share it with all of you because it definitely put things into perspective for me.

Now, when I read John 3:14 about how God gave his one and only Son for us and all the sin and punishment he freed us from, I think "Wow, he must have really loved us. That is so cool!" But the thing is when I read the Bible, I understand what happened, and I try to interpret everything, but I don't usually picture how everyone felt, or how they reacted. Like, I almost don't think of them as people, but as just thoughts. I understand they were people, but I don't think out the entire story. So my Pastor gave this analogy to try and help you think about what God did in a more modern way. Imagine that you really want to do to college, but you don't have the money. One day, a man comes up to you and says, "Hey, I'll pay for you to go to a great college, and after, you can come work for me. All you have to do is sign this contract, and off you go." So, thinking it's a great opportunity, you sign and head off to college. After, you go to work for this great guy. But soon you realize that this job you have is awful. The people are evil, the degrade you and insult you, and you hate it so much. But you can't break your contract. You have nothing you can do. So, after a few weeks at this awful job, a man walks in one day, comes up to you, and says, "I have good news. I just bought out your contract. You can come work for me now. It cost me a lot. It cost me a whole lot. It cost me my son. But I did this so you could be happy, and not have to worry about this job anymore. Come with me, have no worries." And you go, and it's beyond anything you could ever believe.

Now, if you were in this situation, would you not be so thankful to the guy who bought out your contract. You'd praise him, and thank him frequently. And this is exactly what God did for us. Sure, we can't see what would have happened to us if God hadn't given his Son for us, but you can we sure it was worse that just a bad job. This showed me how much God did for me, what he did for us, and the sacrifice he made, just for us.

Thanks for reading guys, I hope you got as much out of this as I did.


  1. DUDE! I'm so happy that you got after blogging!
    I'm lovin' the analogy. After I read it I was so much more thankful for everything God has done for me. Props!

  2. Wow! Great job Joe!!
    That analogy was really cool and helped me put everything in perspective- like, even if things go crazy wrong in our lives, God has a master plan for us and we should just be so greatful for his grace and unconditional love. That unconditional love thing hit me just now again- like, if some one does something horrible to you, it's gonna be hard to love them...but we sin against God, like ... GOD, not just anyone, who sacrificied His son- yet He adores us. That's what I got out of this analogy, it was great, thanks Joe.


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