Monday, July 20, 2009

Why God, Why?

Every single one of us finds ourselves asking this question to God. Why did you let this happen Lord? Why did you not let me do what I wanted to do? I don't understand why God.

In Proverbs 20:24 it reveals a little bit of light on these kind of circumstances.

24 A man's steps are from the Lord; how then can man understand his way?

The Lord determines our steps because he has a purpose for our life. Our life was meant to bring him glory, that is why he created us. So this means we will go through seasons that we don't understand just like the second part of this verse talks about. There will absolutely be times in our life where we don't get why things are happening, but we have to rememeber GOD IS IN CONTROl. He promises he will never leave us or forsake us. He is our STRONG TOWER. He is working things to bring himself glory and we will be exalted on the behelf of Christ when the season of confusion is over.

So press on in the times of your life where you just don't get it knowing that God's got it under control.

1 comment:

  1. i feel like this post sums up perfectly the last week of my life. i also love proverbs 19:21 in this light...

    "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's will that prevails"

    BOOM. we can make all the grand plans we want. map out our entire life and have everything figured out. but as soon as something interrupts that, we begin the interrogation... "why is this happening" "what good can possibly come of this" "why can't anything work like it should" "why why why why why"

    let's stop and remember the ultimate truth behind everything that happens in our lives: God is GOOD. there's something about that word good. it's not "oh yeah man God is totally great!" it's "my Daddy is GOOD, and He loves me". He is incapable of anything outside the realm of GOOD. let us fix our eyes on THAT truth, and see how that shifts our perspective on suffering, trials, hardships, etc.


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