Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Broken Down

I just experienced something that I want to share with you all. It's 11:51 on Tuesday night, and i have been praying for about the past 20 minutes. I needed time with the Lord to pray and plead and give all of me up in prayer for another. I won't go into the long version now, but my heart is broken, and it has been for quite some time. It's broken for someone who i never thought it could be this broken for. i know a lot of you have been through rough patches and know what intense, inner, spiritual pain feels like. i know you have. well that's where i am now. my heart and soul ache for someone in my life. i've been kneeling in my room, crying out to God, and crying, too, and it just HURTS. honestly. i don't even know how to fully explain it, really.

sometimes, God breaks us down to build us up, and i have experienced that through this situation, too. and that, well that is incomparably AWESOME. but i've been thinking, maybe it's this inner ache that is our wall that's stopping us from unleashing God's power and glory. i feel like a lot of times i think the opposite, i think about how the pain can reveal God's glory through it. and i'm not saying it can't, don't get me wrong, here. God's power and sovereignty most definitely CAN shine through heartache! but what i'm saying right now is that maybe, just maybe, this deep, throbbing pain that cripples our souls and spirits is what is keeping us from allowing the Lord to work through us. maybe we feel that the pain is too great to deal with, so we shrug off thinking about how much it hurts, when really, if we embrace it and let it out, God's light and sovereignty will take action and truly come alive in our lives. get what i'm saying? i hope so.

okay, have you ever prayed really really insanely hard about something or someone? did you ever feel like nothing was happening, that God wasn't listening or taking action when you thought he should? that's us making God out to be a god we want him to be, not who he actually is. we pray and pray and pray and want something to happen, we expect it because we believe that God will deliver. but when things don't happen, we doubt. the pain washes over us even more and we crumble. can anyone relate? so basically what I'm trying to say is, maybe it's this hurt inside of us that hinders our faith. we let it get to us and it clouds our vision, our perception of God. it's so intense and real that it blinds us from who God is and all that he can do, IF WE LET HIM WORK. guys, if we don't allow God room to work in our lives and the lives of others, how can we expect great things to happen? we've gotta do our part, and that involves not letting the heartache and brokenness block your view of God and his might. keep posting...i'm loving it


  1. Hey alexa, this is awesome! Remember reading my testimony, I put that in the Let's Summarize part. I found this video, I STRONGLY suggest that you watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v99khOnLeQ&feature=related

  2. wow. thank you DJ. i do remember reading your testimony...awesome! that video honestly did help. thank you so much for the encouragement.

  3. Alexa, I definitely can relate. Definitely.

    Reading this for one was encouraging to know that someone else understands this, and two a wonderful reminder.

    That was the most perfect thing for me to read at this time in my life.
    Because Life is NOT easy right now...
    it was the Lord through you for sure. So awesome.
    And a wonderful eye opener.
    There is sooo much truth in the fact that pain puts up walls.
    If we let it take over...we can be left empty. depressed. hurting.
    I'm watching this happen to someone right now, and I wish that they could come to this realization. Sure it can make us dependent on God but only if we let it. It can go both ways.

    I went to the Revolve Tour (which is a retreat for teen girls) a couple weekends ago and I heard something in the lyrics of a song by a girl named Brit Nicole..she's a famous Christian musical artist, you might know her, but just a few words from her song...truly gave me hope and peace. And it reminds me of what you just wrote.

    The lyrics go like this.
    "So I`ll stop searching for the answers,
    I`ll stop praying for an escape,
    And I`ll trust you,God, with where i am,
    And believe that you will have your way.
    Just have your way."

    I think we become so self able instead of God able.
    My brother said when he was 5 years old,
    "Just let God be your arms and legs"
    Let God be our heart. 0% us 100% him.
    Let him Consume our hearts, so that he can consume our lives!!!

    And all of that you were saying in your post. such a cool thing.


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