Saturday, February 26, 2011

No fear?

Today I was driving in the car with my dad. I think most of you already know that my dad's an atheist. He's kind of a crazy driver, so I was telling him to slow down over and over again. And he jokingly said, "Well even if we die we go to Heaven right?" I just kind of laughed but then he said, "I don't understand you Christians. You say that Heaven will be this awesome place and yet you're so afraid of death." So it kind of hit me in that moment. Obviously it's okay to be afraid of death, but if we're trying to spread the Gospel - especially to those who refuse to believe the Gospel - the idea of Heaven should bring HOPE and fearlessness into our lives. So how are YOU living? With hope and without fear? Really look into your life and think about that question.

Just something to be thinking about :)



  1. this is such an awesome post that really makes me think. i actually had a discussion just like this with one of my friends the other day. so cool to see this posted on here

  2. Psalm 27:1 "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"

    Luke 21:38 "...and he is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive."

    Remember, Jesus was afraid of his own death is Gethsemne (I can't remember how to spell that), but he was raised to new life. It's okay to be afraid, but we still have hope at the same time.


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