Monday, January 31, 2011

A Crimson Stain


My friend is in a dark place right now and i wanna help. We all have our issues and personal distractions that take us away from the Lord, well my friends issue is self-injury (cutting). One of her friends was texting her and telling her to throw her "tools" in the trash or something, and she responded "NO!" and then we tried calling her, but she turned her phone off.

Some one please tell how to minister to her cuz I haven't dealt with this issue before.


  1. Issues like this are very fragile and if not dealt with, with great care can escalate into something much worse. Also when dealing with this kind of stuff it's good to get someone of greater qualifications on the matter(like a therapist or something). I think that talking to your friend in person and maybe finding a few verses that are relevant to his/her situation could do a lot of good.

  2. Hey, this is definitely a huge issue, and I'm so sorry your friend (and you) are going thru this right now. I think your best bet (since your friend isn't answeringhis/her phone) is to just get down on your knees and pray. You're right, your friend really is in a dark place..and this kind of place is something that only Christ can get him or her out of. Pray for guidance in your friends life, and pray that his or or her heart is opened to Christ's word if they aren't a believer already. And if you get a chance to see this friend, be sure and show them how loved they really are...And I Know I'm gonna sound like a hotline by saying this..but self harm is a really serious kind of thing, and if this person continues to hurt themselves, I would get help for them. But prayer, prayer. That's important!
    Hope that helps!
    Psalm 23(:
    Hannah B.

  3. Like Hannah said, there's two main things you can do. One is to PRAY. Pray continually for your friend. And when things only get worse, keeping praying. But pray knowing that God can and WILL ultimately deliver. Second, love. Love your friend more than ever before. But make sure this love is genuine. 1 John 4:16 - "...God is love." Share God with your friend through your love.

    Also, one of my friends kind of used to deal with this same thing (I didn't know about it at the time) and now she works for Teen Contact, this place that helps teens and adults who are struggling with harming themselves. Here's the website: If you ever want to check out their website or call them to get ideas on how to help your friend, I REALLY encourage you to do that! A lot of your friends might think there is nothing you guys can do to help your friend who is struggling, but there is soooo much you can do to help.

  4. I don't know if she's Christian or not, but if not, you can at least let her know that you love her and value her, and that you believe she was made in God's image. Let her know that YOU'RE really hurt by what she's doing to (if I was doing this, I think it would have an affect on me.) Do some really nice stuff for her (maybe you can send her anonymous pick-me-ups or bake a cake or something.) And if she gets better, keep it up!


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