Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Help me find peace

Hey everybody!

So guess what, I'm in my school's talent show!!! I'm performing "The Stand" by Hillsong United with my friends playing the drums and guitar while I'm doing my thing on the bass. So I'm talking with my friend, and he said that he thinks it would be pretty cool to open up with a little 20 second devotion or something. He says he just wants to say a couple of Bible verses about finding peace with God, and then just relate those verses to the song.

So, do you guys know any verses that talk about finding peace with God or God's peace or something like that. Anything would be great! :)


  1. It helps if you just google "Bible verses about peace" or something like that, and you'll find a lot of good ones! I just found Psalm 119:165 - "Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble." Also, Isaiah 26:12 - "Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have done for us." Hope that helps!

  2. I don't have any that come to mind, but you could also do verses that BRING peace...there's a ton of those! I find repeating whatever bible verse really helps me get through tough moments. My favorites are Psalm 27:1 and Matthew 11:28.


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Talk about what you got out of it, what challenged you, questions you have, and any other cool stuff about what you read in scripture.