Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Back on track

A few days ago, I realized something about myself. First, I realized that I had been trying to finish Colossians for the past two months and I was only on the first chapter. And not because I was intensely studying it, but because I read my Bible probably once every two weeks for five minutes. How sad is THAT! Here I was telling everyone in my Bible study at school to read their Bibles and everything, and I wasn't even doing it myself. There's a huge difference between reading your Bible for a few minutes once a week...and being in the Word every single day, multiple times a day, and using the Word to strenghten the way in which you live your life. Next, I realized that I wasn't really diving into my faith. DJ posted something way back in January about the importance of diving into your faith, surrendering your whole life to God, letting go of everything else, and completely diving into God's glory and goodness. I wear a key everyday that symbolizes that God is the key to life and that He holds the key to our hearts. And yet, for these past few months, I haven't been making Christ my KEY! My Center! My Everything! Sure, I've given two witness talks at two different retreats about my key and the whole story behind it (facebook inbox me if you want to know the whole thing-it's awesome!), but I wasn't really ACTING ON the knowledge that God is the key to life and LIVING WITH that knowledge. And now looking back I feel so hypocritical. But the good thing is, all of that is changing now. Thanks to this blog and all of you guys (especially Alexa's post below this about thirsting for the Word), I'm getting back to the way I was before. Last night, I started with Proverbs, and I'm loving it! Like Alexa said in her post, I'm already getting to the point where I want to stay up all night reading it. It's so beautiful! So thank YOU :) Thank you all for everything, for inspiring me so much everyday!

1 comment:

  1. I won't ever forget the story that you told us about the key! I miss you so much! I'll be praying for you!(:


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