Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A revelation

Alexa, erin, DJ, lindsey, and whoever else is still following this - pleaseee don't stop posting! Even though there's just a small group of us on here now I still learn so much every time I read a new post. This blog has helped me to grow so much in my faith over the past few months! I love y'all and I don't know where I'd be without my questies in my life!

So today I was in theology class, taking notes as usual. We were talking about Jesus' last few days and His crucifixion. My teacher was going in detail about the sufferings of Christ on the cross and just how much pain He endured for us. And then it hit me. Jesus could've saved Himself at any point during His crucifixion. He was DIVINE and human, at the same time. He could've stopped all the suffering in an instant. But He endured that suffering and that pain simply for us. For US! Why? What did we ever do to deserve that kind of love?! What did we ever do to deserve that kind of sacrifice?! Nothing. Absolutely nothing. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life." (John 3:16) Only out of the deepest kind of love did Christ die for us.

So how does that apply to today? We are called to do the same. Of course, we could never even dream of reaching that kind of deep love that Christ has for us. We are incapable of that kind of perfect love. But we can try to reach that love, right? Christ endured suffering and pain for people who love Him, people who hate Him, and people who know nothing about Him. And in a sense, we're called to do the same. In all of your lives there's someone who you love, someone who you can't stand, and someone who you don't know at all. It doesn't matter who that someone matter what, we're still called to show each of those people the same kind of love Christ shows us. We are called to endure suffering and pain for the sake of love, for the sake of furthering the Kingdom of God. Because that's the best way to further His glorious Kingdom, right? Through love? A simple, gentle, humble kind of love that can move mountains.

Love you :)

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