Tuesday, April 26, 2011

thirst quenched solely by the word

So, as cool as this is, I came to post on the blog an saw ally’s post, and mine totally relates to the time part of it! Such a God thing. Anyways, I just wanna start with something that I’m sure most of you have heard before--The idea that if God comes first in your life, then everything else will fall into place. If you make spending time in prayer to the Lord, in his word, and seeking his heart above all things your priority, the rest of your life will find the perfect place below the Lord. So check this out..

I have a plan. A plan to read the entire Bible before I go to Sigma in mid-July. I mean, not only to read it, but to study it, but to let it sink in and penetrate my heart. Let the Lord speak to me through it. I have a reading plan that’s in chronological order. I love it. It just makes sense to me and it reveals all the little correlations I would never have caught on my own. I’ve been going by this reading plan, and I’m enjoying every minute of it. But the past few days, I haven’t been satisfied. I wanted more. I wanted to read until my eyes couldn’t stay open any longer. I thirsted for his word more than I have in a long time. So I started to read more than one day’s worth. On Easter, I got to the point of thirsting for the living word of God that I read Joshua and Judges in one day, with my reading spread throughout the day. I yearned for more, more, more. I am running towards the Lord in such a manner that sometimes I find myself lost in the moment, overwhelmed by his captivating words and creation. Yet I am not satisfied. I am overwhelmed, and not satisfied. Complacency is NOT an option. I will not quit, I will not let my weariness take over, and I will NOT settle for what I know is not enough. If I thirst, I drink until I’m no longer thirsty. Guys, my thirst has not been quenched yet. I read and read and run and still want more when I reach the point where sleep sets in and I literally HAVE to stop. It’s awesome!!

Now for the second part of this story…I had to fill you in on the intensity factor first…

So, these days that I have been staying up way later than I should, spending time in the Word, the Lord had worked in my favor in visible ways at school. It’s SO SWEET! For example, yesterday, I had a biology test that I didn’t study much for because I wanted to read my Bible. I hardly studied at all. The test was EASY. I mean, totally unexpected easy. The Lord was looking out for me. Art—I finished a project that was due that I didn’t think I would be able to finish. And it actually looked semi-good! Hahaha. Today, English test. Should have been killer..it wasn’t. I shouldn’t have finished the in-class essay, but I did. Math—thought there would be a quiz. A quiz we have every day that I rarely know exactly what I’m doing. NO QUIZ. Now if that isn’t the Lord’s hand guiding my life, I don’t know what is. HE IS IN CONTROL! It’s completely true! Put him first and EVERYTHING ELSE FALLS INTO PLACE. I dare you to try it. He will absolutely blow your mind.



  1. You have no idea how much I needed that, Alexa. Thank you so much!

  2. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given you besides." Matthew 6:33. Seek first the Lord and everything else will fall into place. :)

  3. Jeremiah 29:13 "When you look for me, you will find me...when you see me with all your heart." I'm so happy for you! Keep it up! And I don't know if this would take a lot of work, but if it's easy, do you think you could maybe post you're reading plan? Just if it only takes a second.

  4. Erin--I'll facebook it to you! it would be a rather long post...hahaha. i'll try to soon :) i love the verses y'all commented! Some of my FAVES!!


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