Monday, April 25, 2011

David Crowder, Charles Blondin, Finding Time, and Easter

Hey guys :) I know I haven't posted in FOREVER but I've been reading every single one of y'all's posts and they are so inspiring, thank you so much for being so awesome! I have a few things to go over today, so if this post is a little on the too long side, sorry!

Okay well on Friday I went to a David Crowder Band concert with five of my friends at Six Flags in Arlington. They are my favorite band and I just absolutely love their lyrics, message, melodies etc. so, naturally, I was uncontrollably excited to be able to worship our Lord with them. It was my first Christian concert and now I'm completely hooked! For one thing, David Crowder is absolutely PHENOMENAL in concert; he's seriously better live than on the CD. If you haven't seen them in concert, I highly recommend. But there's just something so AMAZING about being with a 1,000 people (more or less) in an outdoor amphitheater worshipping the Lord. It was a completely transcendent experience and made me feel so refreshed and happy and eager to search after Jesus!

At church on Sunday, my pastor spoke about something that really made think. He talked about a man named Charles Blondin, who was a really famous tightrope walker at the turn of the last century. He was incredible. He would walk across the river above the Niagara Falls (that's about 1000 feet across) on a river 160 feet above the water. He would walk to the middle of the rope, carrying a chair, balance it on the rope on one leg and then stand on the back of chair. He would straddle the rope and cook a meal and eat it. So basically, this guy was the real thing. He had a HUGE following of people that were amazed and in awe of him and respected him. But, people got tired of the regular old walking and eating and balancing so he decided to step it up a few notches. "Do you believe in me?" he asked the crowd one day. "YES!!!" they all screamed. "Well then who wants to get on my back?" The crowd was silent. He chose one guy and told him to get on his back but the man RAN AWAY. Finally, his manager actually got on his back and hung on as Blondin walked across the river from 160 feet above. My pastor said that we need to not just believe IN Jesus we need to believe ON Jesus! It's easy to be like the crowd and say we believe in Him but its a lot harder to be like Blondin's manager and actually let Him carry us across our troubles. We have to cast EVERYTHING on Him or else we don't actually have real faith. That's really hard to do though... I actually have no idea how and if y'all have any insight into how I could believe 100% on Jesus I would really appreciate it.

The reason I have posted on this amazing blog in so long is because I haven't been able to find time lately. And until around a little more than a week ago I hadn't been able to find time for Jesus too. How horrible does that sound? I hadn't been able to 'find time' for my Lord and Savior, THE person who loves me more than I could even begin to understand. That's sad. It's embarrassing. It's embarrassing that I could let myself get that... distracted with the distractions of this world that I forgot about eternity!!! But, right now, I'm making a promise to all of you that I will not have to 'find time' because I will MAKE time. He will now be my priority above all other things.

Finally... yesterday, as y'all know, was Easter. What a glorious day!!!! I mean honestly our Lord ROSE yesterday!!!! How amazing is that??? He is a living, breathing, walking God!! It just blows my mind how amazing that day is. I am so blessed to be able to celebrate this fantastic time free of persecution. So, I leave you all with a request to please pray for all of our fellow followers of Christ that are being faced with intense persecution right now.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.
- John 14:27


1 comment:

  1. That was absolutely incredible. That thing about Charles Blondin was SO cool! Thank you so much for sharing, and I'm so happy to see you on this again, Ally! :)


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