Thursday, July 22, 2010

God Never Leaves You

Hey Questies! Hope all is going well after camp and everyone is seeking the Lord and living a glorifying life:) Well I recently went to New Orleans with my church choir group for our annual Choir Tour. I wasn't participating in the singing, but was going along to help with the sets and stuff, but I was only staying for half of the trip since I had a volleyball camp to go to. So, all the kids in my grade at our church have been friends since we were very little. We've all known each other a long time and are all part of a big circle of friends.
So on the trip, I noticed one girl that's a grade older than me start sitting with another older girl and two guys that are in my grade. At first I was like, "Whatever it's just one meal..."
Then at every single activity or meal we went to, it was the four of them together. They HAD to sit together no matter what. I got really frustrated at the girl initiating the whole thing because I wanted to hang out with the two guys, too! Then she started talking to a girl that was hanging out with me. She said things like, "Erin come sit with us!" "Erin why are you over there? Sit with us!"
And she didn't so much as look at me or my sister once. We used to be great friends with this girl, but we grew apart. Pretty soon, the guys were talking to my sister and me less, along with our other friends and I felt like they were ignoring and excluding us BIGTIME. It seemed like they just didn't like us anymore.
I felt so alone and upset. One night I was crying. I prayed to God so much during this time, asking Him to help them see what they were doing and that it wasn't right. Nothing seemed to change. I felt empty and so mad. Church is where you should always feel loved, and that's not how I felt at all.
Then I texted several girls from my SoJo cabin, session 6, telling them my story and asking for advice and bible verses. They came back with the perfect verses! They told me that nobody should make me feel that way, and that God was still there with me. They said the only thing that matters is what God thinks of me and that He will ALWAYS love me. I had to focus on God. But what was harder, was they said I still had to love them. I agreed, because they are God's children just as much as I am. So that's why I prayed for them. The next day, I left for another camp. I'm so glad that God gave me a way out of the situation so I could think about the whole thing.
I'm so thankful for the girls in SoJo for helping me get through this and sharing God's word with me. I know you all will be there for me 100% of the way, and so will He. God will never leave you, even when everyone else does.

Proverbs 13:20, Psalm 1:1, Romans 12:14


  1. hey thats so awesome! I'm so sorry you felt that way i was in a similar situation a few weeks ago and its hard to love on people who dont seem to care for you back but thats so awesome that you reached out to sojo girls for help and for wisdom. Thats what the quest community is all about to me, uplifting and helping others during their walk, you know in the bible it talks about how "IRON SHARPENS IRON" and that means Christians can only make other Christians stronger. keep up seeking the lord and keep on relying on your sojo girls for guidance and encouragement just like they rely on you. its like that lows we did with the wire and the trees.


  2. Kelly I just love you and know that like you said, all of your SOJO sisters will ALWAYS be here for you :) I'm positive that I speak for all 22 of us when I say that we love each other so much; everyone's got all the others's backs. It's awesome! Never be afraid to ask for help or encouragement. It's what we're here for! :)


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