Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Sin of Omission

so I've been reading James, and James 4:17 really made me think. It says, "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." At first I didn't really think about it. I mean yeah i know if you don't do the right thing then that is a sin. But then I read the note in my Bible about that verse. It basically said that not only is doing something wrong a sin, but not doing something right. In my Bible they called it the sin of omission. In other words, if you don't technically do something wrong, but you do nothing when you should have done something good, then you are still sinning. I had never thought about it this way before. It was really convicting to me, because alot of times, I just don't do anything when I should have been doing something else.
I hope this made you think too!
Love you quest!!


  1. woah! ive never thought about it that way before! very cool!

  2. true story. Just got back from vacation in Colorado with my family and I do this all the time when I am around them. I just have a natural tendency to be more selfish and stand by when I should be doing something else, you know?

    I really dont like that my family gets my seifish side... im gonna work on that

  3. I feel the same way Cameron! It's like whenever I'm with my family, the selfish me comes out. I hate it. I need to work on that, too.


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