Thursday, September 9, 2010

People of other religions...

I just read Hannah's post below this, and it made me think about people of other religions. What do we believe happens to them? Hannah said that her friend's religion believes that people of any religion can go to Heaven...this might be a stupid question, but why can't they?! I mean, I definitely think that Christianity is the right religion for me and the most reasonable faith out there, but people of other religions aren't "wrong" in their beliefs, right? Who's to say that we're the only ones who can go to Heaven? Comment on this and tell me what you think!



  1. I am definitely NOT an expert on different religions, but I KNOW why I am a Christian. John 14:6 says, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me." Other religions might believe that Jesus was a good person, but they don't believe that He was actually the Son of God. And if they don't believe that, then they can't get into heaven. Remember, there are only two ways to get there. To be absolutely perfect or to become a Christian. Lord knows perfection is out of the picture, so can you become a Christian without believing in Jesus? Hope that helps sweet girl!

  2. Okay, SOO I'm not very good at taking my thoughts and writing them down, or typing them downn.
    The verse Krista posted I think really just comes down to faith. Like, you have to have faith taht everything in the Bible is true and God breathed. So, if we believe everything in the Bible is of the Lord, and that the Lord is perfect, then that means that the verse Krista posted was absolutely true. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me." If everything in the Bible is true, then that must be God means it! We have to have faith in that. It all makes sense in my head, but I doubt it is making sense here! I'm confusing myself:))
    Love you guys!!!

  3. I totally agree that everything in the Bible is "God-breathed," like you guys said. But are we really supposed to believe that people of other religions don't go to Heaven? I mean, we have an all-loving and all-forgiving God, so would He really make people suffer in Hell for eternity just because they believed in a different religion (even though that religion still believes in Him, maybe just not in His son)? Sorry to keep questioning...but I'm kind of confused about this whole thing. If anyone has any more verses or thoughts to add, let me know! Thanks!

  4. This is a tough one Haley. But def good to ask and seek the answer to! I don't know any of this for sure by ANY means, but here's what I have gathered from all of this.

    If someone of another religion other than Christianity believes that Christ exists, but doesn't believe he's the Son of God, well, that just doesn't really click in my head! Like, if someone is going to take the time to find out if Jesus really was real and really did (and does) exist, then it just doesn't make sense that they wouldn't believe he's the Son of God as well. This probably sounds super confusing, but I'm trying haha. What i mean is that to believe Christ exists. like honestly believe that fact, then you would have to have a certain level of knowledge of who he is it seems like. Or maybe not, i really dont know for sure. But the way it seems to me, believing in Christ's existence without believing in who he is (Son of God, rose from the grave, etc.), that's like trying to bake bread without yeast! I mean, does that make sense? and i know other people, especially of other religions think differently, but it seems crazy to me that someone could honestly believe in Christ without everything else at least entering their thoughts at some point. And if that is true (idk if it is or not), and they rejected the thought of Christ being the Son of God, then they have ultimately rejected who Christ is, right? Anyways sorry if this is confusing but i hope at least some of it makes sense!

  5. Here is sermon, by Pastor John Piper. He is one of the most influential pastors on my own personal life. Listen or read what he has to say taking the passage out of Acts 4.


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