Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Sower

So I started going to this Bible study here on campus at Arkansas and tonight we studied the parable of the Sower. This is now my new favorite parable. Let me explain why.

The story is about a Sower (farmer) who spreads his seeds on a paved path, in the rocks, in the thorns, and in good soil.
**Thats the super condensed form of the story

So lets take a look at a few key symbols including the Sower, the seeds, and the different types of ground.
1.) Sower- Tonight we determined the Sower to represent Jesus but we also concluded that the
Sower could be anyone who has accepted and understands Jesus Christ.

2.) Seeds-The seeds in this story represent God's word

3.) Ground- The ground represents the hearts of the people.. all people.

So here we've got Jesus who spreads God's word to the hearts of all the people. Notice that Jesus does not limit God's word to just the good soil but also spreads the word to the non ideal surfaces as well. Why? Because God loves EVERYBODY!!!!

So what happens on the different surfaces.
Paved road- the seeds sit and are eaten by the birds (oh no)
Rock- The seeds attempt to grow but are not rooted down (no foundation)
Thorns-The seeds grow and are rooted but are suffocated by the thorns (failure to commit)
Soil- The seeds grow to be full pieces of fruit and as a result drop more seeds (Yay!)

How do we know if we are the soil?
Its quite simple really. You can either a) have a friend or outside party to watch your progress or b) realize yourself if you are spreading God's word. If you are doing this you are the fruit.

You can find the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:1-23

Please comment if you have anything to add. This story is so deep that I have no doubt that I missed something. Also if you interpreted it differently let me know that too. Thanks!

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