Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sharing the Gospel

Hello all!! I think about you guys a lot, and I miss you all TONS. Life here in Austin is crazy, but I'm loving it. The Lord is doing big things!!
This year, I am leading a Missional Community for freshman girls at UT through my church. Basically, it's like a small group (but a lot more!) We serve our campus, serve the city, and live life missionally together while studying scripture. I am co-leading with an amazing sister in Christ, and our first meeting is tomorrow night! So be praying for the Lord to move in mighty ways. :)
Anyways, during leader training last week, we were challenged to share the gospel 2x with one person over the course of a week. I didn't realize how hard that would be! As I lead a Missional Community, I must be practicing what I preach. I have to be bold for Christ if I'm telling my girls to do the same. As I fumbled through sharing the gospel with a friend in one of my classes, the Lord revealed to me my idol of approval. Why am I so scared to share who Christ is and what He has done in my life? It's because I don't want anyone to think I am weird, awkward, or just plain annoying. That is NOT okay. I already have the approval of the King of Kings!! Why should I care about what man thinks?! Also, if I truly care about other people's salvation, and if I really want them to know truth, awkwardness shouldn't matter AT ALL. Thankfully, I serve a gracious, loving God who pursues me despite my desire to please men. And thankfully, He still wants to use me in His perfect plan, even though I have so many flaws! I can't say I'm perfect at living missionally or sharing the gospel, but it's definitely a beautiful, painful process. He is teaching me a ton about living boldly and passionately for the glory of His Name. After all, that is the calling on our lives. As children of God, we are called to "make disciples of all nations" (matt 28:19) and how are we going to do that if we never share the Good News??
So... what's stopping you?!
Are you choosing comfort over the Great Comforter? Are you seeking approval when you already have it from the One who matters most? Are you trying to control things when the Lord is the only one who is ultimately in control? Are you chasing after your own success and power instead of aiming to make Christ's name known? What idols are you bowing down to?

I'm challenging you guys to be bold in your faith this week. Try sharing the Gospel with someone! (Don't beat yourself up if you mess up, or if it doesn't happen. Know that the Lord's love for you is not dependent on how well you proclaim His name. His love is unconditional... and He saves souls without our help all the time!! He doesn't really need us!). I'm just challenging you guys to step out of your comfort zone and live out the calling placed on your life. IT'S WORTH IT. Also, it would be selfish to keep such good news to ourselves!! We have been set free from the bondage of sin!!
Get uncomfortable. This isn't our home. Our reward is in heaven!

Your sister in Christ,
Mary B


  1. Mary! I was just thinking about this yesterday! I started realizing that I really need to be praying for boldness in my faith. Whenever I tell people about my faith or even about my key story, sometimes I'm not as bold as I need to be. I'm trying to learn how to talk about my faith with someone as if it is my very first time to talk about it, so I can put as much energy and joy into the conversation as I possibly can. And I love those last few sentences: "Get UNcomfotable. This isn't our home. Our reward is in heaven!" Awesome!

    I'll be praying for your missional community! Me, Raleigh, and Lauren are starting a Bible study at our school, so pray for that too! :)

  2. I love this post, I have a couple questions I keep forgetting to ask. I know we want to be bold, but how bold ist bold? Because I don't want people to turn away because they think we are forcing our beliefs upon them. And also, if a non-Christian friend came to us in tears or something, should we mention Christ? I mean, I know it could comfort them a lot, but it might not be the best time for them to recieve it, so should we just mention it afterwards? Please answer, someone!

  3. To me, boldness isn't getting so overpowering that it turns people off to the Gospel, but just enough energy, excitement, and joy to draw them in and say something to them before you ever start to speak. make sense?

  4. Yes, thanks! I like the point about drawing them in before you even begin to speak. Thank you!


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