Thursday, October 14, 2010


Hey Quest! It's been a while since I wrote on here, and I'm sorry for that. However, y'all have had some awesome things to write, and I love coming on here and seeing a new post. There's always something awesome that y'all have to say.

So I just wanted to share how God convicted me this week. So, you've heard before about how the world is only temporary, and that you shouldn't put your faith in the flesh because it won't alway be there for you, unlike God. I thought I understood that concept pretty well. Don't use the world, objects, people, as a crutch. Use God, for he will never fail you. I thought that I had been doing that. But today, I took a really good look at my life. See, lately, things at home have been rough. Things have been getting rocky, and I needed to find the problem before everything got out of control. And I really looked at me, which wasn't something that I had done in a while. Probably because I was scared of what I'd find. Of all the problems and faults of me. Anyways, while I was praying, I became convicted. Heavy duty- convicted. I realized that for waaaaay too long, I've been too hesitant. That I've been trying to live my life for a God that I haven't given myself to completely. I'm too hesitant to give all of me over to Him. Which is where the faith in the flesh that I talked about earlier comes back in. I've put to much trust into the world. You need to be in this world, but not of this world. It's a huge step, and I hope y'all have taken that step. Now, to the point of this, I want all of you to look at yourselves and see where your faith lies. I hope it's in the Lord.

I hope all of y'all have been doing awesome. I love your posts everyone. When you get the chance, please pray for me, just help me remember to live for the Lord, instead of these flesh-ly (is that a word?) ways. Y'all rock.


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