Saturday, October 2, 2010

honoring thy father and mother.

Hey this is Andrew from session 6 and this is my first time posting on the blog. Today I got in a huge argument with my parents. I didn't know what I was supposed to tell them because I thought I was right, but they obviously didn't think that. I felt like I was the victim of something that I didn't do. This continued for about 45 minutes. I feel like I don't know how God is able to help me out here... Does anbody have some scripture to help me out?


  1. I think Romans 13:1-2 will help.

    "Let every person be subordinate to higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God. Therefore, whoever resists authority opposes what God has appointed, and those who oppose it will bring judgment upon themselves."

    God has "appointed" our parents to guide and care for us. So when we "oppose" what (or who) God has appointed, we oppose God. Even when it seems like we're right and they're wrong, we have to obey them. Because when we don't obey them, we don't obey God. It's definitely hard to do, but we are called to "honor thy father and mother" no matter the circumstance. Just remain patient with them, and know that they know what's best for you.

    Hope that helped!

  2. This isn't a specific verse, but God often mentions how he is like a father. I know Isaiah once asks, "how do I know you won't forget me?" and God replies, "Can a mother forget her child?" There are a ton of verses like that; God often uses parents as a comparison to himself, and if God thinks they're that high, they are!


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