Monday, October 4, 2010

what to do?

To be honest, lately I've been in a bit of a funk. Yes, a funk. I need y'alls help. I've really been struggling with how to put God out there at school. And it's weird, because lately I've also had this burning desire to tell someone about Christ, like just lay the Gospel out for them. And there are plenty of opportunities, really, there are. I know. I miss them much too often...

This is how it normally goes: I wake up totally convinced that i am going to show Christ to someone today, whether by words, actions, or both. I get all pumped up for the day. Then I get to school, work bogs me down, friends don't act the way you expect they should, and I am thinking of everything BUT Christ and his purpose. It's not that I completely disregard him during the day, but I can't seem to shine his light into the world in a practical way. Get what I'm saying?

I want SO BADLY to actually DO something for Christ. I mean, he did EVERYTHING for us, and I can't even bring myself to find an actual way to bring him out into the open at school. Is anyone following this?

And it really hit me at church on Sunday when we talked about how the slogan of Christianity could be "Come and die." Because that's exactly what Christ did for us. So will we do it for him?? Not ARE we willing to, but WILL we? That's what i'm trying to get through. I am willing to, but I'm not actually doing it at the moment. Help?


  1. I know exactly how you feel! I wish I could help you, but I need help with this too! haha

    One thing I've been doing lately is something I got from you! Remember that blog post when you told us about how you write the first letter of every word in a verse on your hand to memorize it? I started doing that a couple of weeks ago, and I've found that's it a really great missionary tool! Some people have asked what's written on my hand, and I get to tell them about the verse. So that's one way I'm trying to spread Christ to other thanks for giving me that idea!

  2. please girl, we all have been there. some of us are there now. do not give up! youre the type of person who wants to share christ so badly and when you dont take the opportunity that is presented to you, you get really discouraged and youre hard on yourself. just remember that his mercies are new every morning and that he gracious and slow to anger.

    we arent supposed to take those moments lightly by no means but if we dwell on what we didnt do we will miss his faithfulness and mercy. next time you are discouraged, ask in faith that he will provide another opportunity! remember our god is huge!

  3. I just got through that! What I found is that if you pray every morning for God to make you aware of these oppurtunities, and to give you the strength to use them. I started small, by mentioning God to my CHRISTIAN friends. That way, it slowly beomes easier. Good luck! God will answer you prayers!


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Talk about what you got out of it, what challenged you, questions you have, and any other cool stuff about what you read in scripture.