Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Hey guys!
This summer, we talked about how God gave us seasons of life and how we should rely on God before a bf/gf, so I decided I wasn't going to date in highschool. Then, my mom (who doesn't know about this) was talking about how she thought it was important to have experience with boys (in my case), and go through heartbreak and be able to interact with them, and that made sense, too. What is everyone's opinions on this? I mean, I'm not in that situation, but I just want to have my mind decided one way or another.


  1. Well, I could be totally wrong about this because I have no experience either, so somebody please correct me if i am, but I don't think you have to decide. I mean, it's cool that you want to and you want to have a plan, but that brings to mind Proverbs 16:9-"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." We as humans make plans all the time. But in the end, the Lord's plan will come through one way or another. See what I'm saying? Like, if the Lord leads you to a guy that he wants you to date, I think you'll know that when it happens. And if he doesn't, then he doesn't.

    This kinda relates to a book that I'm studying with my accountability group right now. It says when making a decision to 1) wait to make it so you can 2) write it down on a prayer list and 3) wait on God for direction. No decision should ever be made without prayer. So I would pray about it first, see what the Lord wants, and go from there. Hope this helps and keep on posting!

  2. Alexa hit the nail on the head. We can plan things, but ultimately it isn't what we plan, but what God plans that prevails. Personally, I dated in high school. Sometimes, I look back on it and wished I hadn't, but then other times I'm glad I did. Your mom has a good point that you get to experience things when you date in high school, but when you do, it's important to guard your heart. You can date, but remember that not a lot of high school couples make it to the big time and get married and live happily ever after. Max told some crazy statistic about 25% of high school couples get married and then like 2% are still together and not divorced (I may have totally screwed that up). Basically, heartbreak will come (I'm sorry to sound super negative). But then, dating in high school is fun. You go on super cheesy dates sometimes and great memories are made. And when you go to college, you know kind of more what to expect from relationships and how to handle different things. Ultimately, pray pray pray about it. Ask God to give you wisdom and discernment and to guard your heart. When the time comes, He will help you know what to do!

  3. ok so I made that descision too, and heres why:
    1. most guys arn't very mature at this age
    2. I probably won't get married to any guy I date in highschool, so theres really no point
    3. Breakups hurt. ALOT!!
    4. I don't want to give peices of my heart away when it will only reault in hurt
    5. Spending too much time with a guy ruins your relationships with your friends
    6. Its really easy (for me) to put guys before God, and I want to get to the point where I don't feel like I need guys, and I'm totally satisfied with God. Thats when I know I'm spiratually mature enough for a relationship.

    I do think though, that there are some cases that high school relationships do work out, and if God leads you to someone, go for it! But i would really be cautious and not date someone unless you think that God really wants it to happen. I would't wish that heartbreak on anybody.

    I personally made the commitment because I was finding my identity in guys. I want to get closer to God so that he is my satisfaction.

  4. Hannah it's so encouraging to see such a maturity in this topic. It's so hard too because everything in our culture says you HAVE to be dating right now or something is wrong with you or you're not going to be happy. Garbage. You're list is great and all true. Seek Him above all else.


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