Tuesday, October 13, 2009

how much

i received a text message the other day from someone that said, "instead of reading in your bible today, could you use that time to pray for ____..." etc.

now i am not ragging on this person because she is a child of God and i love her, as do many others, and God loves her more importantly. however, her request has sat funny with me ever since...why can't we, as christians, do both? read AND spend time in prayer? read, spend time in prayer, worship, talk to God, etc.? why is our time always so limited and why do we limit the time that we spend with the creator of the universe, our personal creator, who gave up His son, who gave up EVERYTHING just to be on that tree for you and me? i find it so odd that we always are stressing for time, yet we can spend hours clicking at pictures on facebook. i am so guilty of this. why do we not give Him the time of day that He deserves? we ought to do that.

and, the beauty that comes from spending time with Him? priceless.


  1. Whitley- I am guilty of this also. I actually think we are all guilty of this. How many times do we say we are going to read are Bible and then end up doing something else? I'm always saying I have no time to read my Bible or spend time with God, but I really do have time, I just spend it doing things that don't matter. We need to spend our time wisely giving lots of attention to God, who definately deserves it. He can teach us so much if we are willing to learn. Great post!

  2. "On the one hand, we all want to be happy. On the other hand, we all know the things that make us happy. But we don't do those things. Why? Simple. We are too busy. Too busy doing what? Too busy trying to be happy. This is the paradox that has bewitched our age." ~ Matthew Kelly

    WOW! Great post Whitley! (: Read the quote above, and let me know what you think about it. I think it's so awesome because it's so true. Think about it...we all know what makes us truly happy. For me, spending time with God, my family, and my friends makes me truly happy. However, sometimes I find myself wasting my time doing other things...other things that I THINK will make me happy (like facebook, as you said). It's something I've been working on a lot more lately! I guess we have to constantly ask ourselves, "What should be the most important thing in our life?" Of course, the answer is God. We have to always remember to center our day around Him.

    Again, great post!



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