Thursday, October 8, 2009

Humility, Judgment, and More

Some verses that really stuck out to me...
1 Corinthians 1: 25 ~ "For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human faith." Enough said. No words need to explain this one. Gosh, this verse is unbelieveable. Just think about it, read it over a couple of times, really let it sink in...(:

1 Corinthians 2:9 ~ "What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love Him." SWEET! This gets me super excited, haha. What do you think?!

In chapter three, Paul describes himself as a "planter" (the planter of the faith of the Corinthians). However, he says in verse seven, "Therefore, neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who causes the growth." Wow. Paul is so humble. Here he is, traveling all over the place, preaching the gospel, working day in and day out to spread the message of salvation, and yet, here he is, owing it all to GOD. He literally says the words, "I am not anything." Think about that. Nothing at all. Can you image what it would've been like to meet Paul? Someone so humble, so devoted to God...what an inspiration. Whenever you feel like boasting, think of Paul. Think of his humility. Try to imitate his actions. It'll be challenge, but let's all give it a try. (: Also, when you think of boasting instead of remaining humble, remember 1 Corinthians 1:31, "...'Whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord.'"

And now we have chapter four. 1 Corinthians 4:4 ~ "...the one who judges me is the LORD." Say that over and over and over again to yourself. Everyone, get that in your minds! God is the only one who can judge us. Basically, no other opinion matters but His. Personally, I've dealt with such rude girls judging me and gossiping about me behind my back, and this verse has helped me realize that they do NOT matter. Their hateful views are meaningless and trivial in the eyes of God. Focus on God's opinion only. Spend more time aiming to "impress" God (impress is not exactly the right word to use, but at 1:08 in the morning, it's good enough), and less time worrying so much about what other people think of you. Be confident; God believes in you. (:

Lastly, I'll leave you with 1 Corinthians 5:13 ~ "...Purge the evil person from your midst."

If you haven't read 1 Corinthians yet, I really encourage you to start because it's AMAZING. And I'd love some feedback on all of this if you get a chance to comment. Oh, and my sophomore class and I are going on a retreat for the next few days...pray for us?

You're in my prayers,


  1. Haley you are dominating it. I am so confident that God blesses those who dilligently seek him.

    Proverbs 8:17 "I love those who love me,
    adn those who seek me diligently will find me."

    I love what you said about only worrying about bringing glory to our God and not worrying about what the world thinks. SO much wisdom!

  2. i love this haley because recently i have been dealing with a lot of this type of stuff, i feel constantly judged/belittled/hated by girls on my dance team and by my coach and i feel like i have become someone who is trying so hard to please everyone...a people pleaser if you will. today i recognized this with the help of my sister and best friend that i am never going to please college pastor the other day told me as well, who are you trying to please? god or men?...i feel that this post has a lot to do with that same track of thinking.

    it's hard because i want to be everything to everyone and never let anyone down...but i keep forgetting that the only one who matters is God, and that's where my allegiances will lie. and i guess i've been getting flustered because i feel that He put me as captain of this rough team for a reason, but i feel that i am not producing any fruit and that bringing Him glory through that team and the ongoings, and trying to share Him with the girls, are some of the hardest challenges i've come across in my faith/evangelism/etc. i think i just worry too much about their judgment or how they will treat me (worse than they do?!). so it's fear that the enemy is instilling within me to keep me from doing God's work....and i need to OVERCOME THAT!!!

    i'm really thankful that your post inspired so much thought on my part....thank you haley. you are stellar.

  3. Thanks for the great comments guys! I'm so happy that my post has helped you with that struggle, Whitley (: I'm just thrilled that I've FINALLY realized who's judgement really matters in life...I wasted so much of my freshmen year worrying about what other people thought of me. I lost a few friends because I finally learned to stand up for myself, have confidence, and to not waste my time with people who push me down instead of lifting me up. BUT, some of these "rude girls" have changed. Isn't that amazing?! I even told one of them, who constantly made fun of me all of the time and really decreased my self-esteem, that she was so rude. She never realized that she was actually being mean, so I told her (gently...), and you know what's happened to her since then? Whenever someone is gossiping or whatever, she says, "Hey, can we not talk badly about so and so, because I'm trying to 'turn over a new leaf lately.'" Isn't that AMAZING?! I know we can't change everyone's personalities, but can you believe that my words inspired someone to become a new person! Wow!

    And I think that the Bible even says in there somewhere how great it is if a person brings another person away from sin, and I love that verse (I forgot where it is...) because that's basically what I did with this girl. (:


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