Thursday, October 8, 2009

Now It Makes Sense

Hey Everyone. It's late, I'm tired, excuse me if I rush through this. I was starting to read 1 Corinthians 7 , and as soon as I read the first sentence, I recognized it. My Bible study group has been through this chapter, and thought, "ah, maybe I should skip through this; I know it." I decided against that, and boy did it pay off. You see, ever since I read this chapter, I thought Paul was telling everyone to not get married, but if you're already married, you're cool, don't worry. 1 Corinthians 7:8 Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. It confused me. But reading over it again, and putting together a couple of the other verses, I think I came up with something better than what I thought before. I think Paul was actually telling them to just stay where they were. Like, if you were unmarried, don't start looking to be married, or don't make your purpose to become married. And vice versa. He was saying don't worry about it. Live your life right now and God will take care of what's ahead. But this doesn't only stick with marriage. This can be applied to your entire life. Just do what you need to do now, and stop stressing over the future. It'll get taken care of. Now, that doesn't mean be totally care free, thinking your responsibilities will just disappear. But if you live for God, and give your 100% for Him, then you'll do just fine.

Feedback would be much appreciated, thanks guys. I hope I got that right, it makes that chapter so much more clearer. To me anyways.


  1. hey joe, i think you're right on the money. marriage is a beautiful thing and i don't think paul was discouraging it, but rather just like you said-- to be content where you are, and to not be seeking marriage if you are just stay in place and in 100% harmony with God. being single is the only time in life where you can be un-distracted by another human being (it mentions that in this chapter, that a person's attention is divided between their husband/wife and God when they are married). thus we are to embrace this time in our life, not as a hindrance or a drought or a sad time because we are alone...but because we are able to have full commitment and attention towards our heavenly father! pretty neat. good stuff...thanks for writing.

  2. thanks joe ~ that was a great post! i just love it because it really applies to my life lately...i'm always stressing about school and worrying about the future and every tiny decision that i make. BUT, now i think i've finally realized that everything happens for a reason, whether that reason be to make us stronger, bring us closer to God, or improve any other quality about us as a whole. i've realized that God will always protect me, no matter what. (:


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