Tuesday, November 30, 2010

i was studying greek with a friend last night and during one of our many breaks she brought up something that really challenged me and honestly opened my eyes.

she said that she is realizing that no one is intentional anymore. she was saying that as christians, we arent taking advantage of the community around us. its like we know that other christ followers are struggling with the same junk that we struggle with but so often we dont care to hold each other accountable or encourage. we know that we arent alone but yet we act like we are.

im not sure if that made sense to you or not but i know that deep in my heart on a certain level she was right. somewhere along the way, we have lost sight of community and real accountability and sharing each others burdens and victories and walking through this battle together. we think we're alone but we arent and so often we choose to live that way.

so this is my challenge: be intentional with someone who is going through this battle. encourage each other, rejoice with each other, walk with each other, hold each other accountable. its gonna stink at times but we werent meant to walk alone. just remember not to rely on them; rely on the lord.

i hope some of this made sense in some way, shape, or form. love you

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