Thursday, November 11, 2010

infected to spread it

Hey Quest. hope all of you are doing great. so, as of monday, i've had this really odd infection in my lower left leg called cellulitis. it's really pretty gross and swollen and just ick... not fun at all. despite that, the Lord has used it to get his point across to me. as most infections go, this one spread for a while. it has kind of died down since i went to the doctor about it, but it still looks pretty spread out. i mean, it's an infection. that's what they do. so you're probably like, alexa, what the heck are you doing talking about an infection, that's weird and gross. well, if you wanna think about it this way, we are all infected with Christ. he has come into our lives and infected us with his love. just like in The Tempest by Shakespeare when Prospero says to Ferdinand, "Thou art infected." He meant that Ferdinand was infected by love for this girl. anywho, we are infected by the love of Christ. once we first experience it, we see that there's nothing else like it. it's so deep it's unfathomable how great the Lord's love is completely. and after that initial spark of his love in us, it spreads throughout our entire being, just like an infection. then, we spread the love of Christ to an infection. and this is what i'm wondering and it made me a bit upset and it might some of you, too: if we aren't spreading the love of Christ, why not? what is wrong with that picture? does that mean that we need to have a little talk with the Big Guy and say, "Hey, what's up with me?" because it's sure not his fault that this astronomical joy and love that we have is not spreading to others in our every day lives.
so i challenge you to go out and let the love of Christ shine from you and spread it like an infection. i dare you. let the love out and see what happens. it's phenomenal.
peace out my sweet brothers and sisters in Christ...y'all are super!

1 comment:

  1. Alexa! I love this post so much! Seriously, what is stopping us from spreading the love of Christ to everyone we meet?!?! I ask myself that question all the time. I go to sky ranch and I feel so pumped up for the Lord, and then I get back home and it's harder for me to love other people and live out my faith. What holds us back? Personally, I think it's fear. I think we're afraid of sharing God with others or even sharing love with them because we don't know how they'll take it. You know what I mean? Anyway, great post! LOVE YOU! :)


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