Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Capture The Flag

Hey all! Sorry it has been so long since I have written on here. Know that I read it almost daily... and I am so encouraged by each of y'alls posts. Keep it up! So yesterday we read Acts 17... and here are my thoughts.

Here’s the context of the chapter: Paul is addressing some Greek philosophers and proclaiming the truth of God to a people who are devoted to worshiping idols. His heart was moved and he was bold in speaking truth to them.

Starting at verse 24, Paul explains that “The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.” Paul then talks about how we are all descendants of Adam, and how we have “allotted periods and boundaries” of our dwelling place, meaning we have a specific time period of when we are supposed to be here on this earth, submitting ourselves to God and the work of His Kingdom. Think of this: God planned for (insert your name here) to be living where you are, in Fort Worth, Texas during this exact time period. He probably thought to Himself, “Alright, I’m going to need Keri Halvorson to be here on this earth from 1988-(insert year that I will die here) so that I can use her to further My Kingdom and to tell people how much I love them and how I went to the ends of the earth to redeem my people.” SO COOL! But that’s not all…

He then goes on to say… “…that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward Him and find Him.“ The commentary in my ESV Study Bible says this: “‘Feel their way toward Him’ implies a kind of groping around in darkness, without really knowing how to find God, though they hoped that they would.” Think about it like the game “Capture The Flag”. Imagine yourself, adrenaline rushing, pressed for time, stealthily running around the woods, trying to find the flag. You cannot even see your hand in front of your face and you’re supposed to find a flag. You hear someone next to you say, “I think it’s over here!” So you follow the sound of his/her voice and drop to your knees, groping around in the darkness to grasp the edge of the flag. Feelings of frustration work their way to the surface, because you know you are so close, yet you cannot find it. But there is good news!

The next part says, “yet He is actually not far from each one of us, for in Him we live and move and have our being…” When Paul says that God is not far from each one of us, he implies that God is omnipresent, and that He hears people’s prayers and knows their hearts (including the Greek philosophers he is addressing). He is all around us! He hears us, and He answers prayer. In the previous verse when Paul says, “in the hope that they might feel their way toward Him and find Him” reminds us that we all fall short of seeking God wholeheartedly and successfully; but, Paul invites us to seek Him anyway. There is a God to find, and He is not hard to find, because He reveals Himself to us multiple times daily! The ultimate way He has revealed Himself to us is through His Son, Jesus Christ. We are able to “find” God through Christ! We are reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. We have been redeemed! Through Christ, we are able to grasp that flag and win the game. We are able to reach eternal life through the grace of God through Christ. It is out of nothing of our own abilities, but simply through His undeserved grace. You could not have grasped that flag on your own – you couldn’t even see your hand in front of your face! But Christ puts that flag in our hand and allows us to be victorious through His death & resurrection. Are you trackin’ with me?! :]

I just think that is so cool. Praise God for His grace, and for giving us victory in Jesus! Reminds me of another verse in 1 Corinthians 15:57 – “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Celebrate that victory today. Praise God for it!

Praying for each of you.



  1. oh. wow...keri, this just made me cry :) haha. Honestly, when I read the same verses yesterday, it was like an answer to prayer, funny how reading your bible can do that.

    But seriously, I'm struggling so hard with doubt right now. And I have no idea why. It's like I have been following along this reading plan, I understand what it's saying, and I really desire to grow closer to God...and i get nothing. It's because I'm so distracted in trying to understand who God is. How can he be a God of mercy and at the same time a God of wrath? of both grace and justice? These questions have been running through my mind, and it has thrown me so off track that I haven't been able to worship or pray the same way. It feels empty because I don't know who the God is that I am praying to, I don't understand the mighty and powerful God who is listening to the cries of my heart.

    But reading reminded me of a lot. As I am sitting here frantically searching for these answers, christ already made the way. He already bridged the gap for my confusion, I dont have to worry about all that other stuff because all that matters is that there is a God, who loves me and has an amazing plan for me and my life.

    I felt kind of like the "men of athens" praying to the "unknown God..." but Paul steps out and tells them they don't have to view God as unknown. They can have a personal relationship with a known God, and he goes on to proclaim all the amazing characteristics about God that are so easy to forget.

    He is our creator. All-knowing. He has pre-determined a life for each of us to further his kingdom. He is our comforter. Our FATHER. He is the world's judge...but he is also righteouss.

    Our God is amazing. And even though I can never comprehend who God is...I don't think I'm supposed to. That's part of what makes him so magnificent, is that we can't define him. Please be praying for me...I still contradict myself on a lot of what the bible means, and I confuse myself, but thank you for posting this...It's a reminder everyone needs to hear <3

  2. Wow, Breanna.. Praise God for speaking to you through this passage!! And you know what? You're right on. We can't fully comprehend the God we love and serve, because He is so far beyond our understanding. But you DO know who He is. You just told me in that comment. Hold onto those truths, Breanna. I am praying for you. :]

  3. keri, i really really enjoyed reading this post. thank you!


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