Sunday, September 13, 2009


as some of you know, my dad is a hardcore athiest (my parents are divorced, so i don't live with him, thanfully). today, he came over to visit, and noticed my key that i always wear around my neck and asked me what it stands for. i was too scared to tell him about it the first time he asked me this question a month ago, but today i finally told him. he kind of made this disappointed face, and said, "haley, you're smart; someday, you'll learn." and then we got into this whole discussion about religion. and one of his main questions was if there is a God (these are my dad's words...of course it wasn't me who said this), and he has all of the power everyone says He has, then why does He let wars and violence and pain and suffering happen? i told my dad that God does not cause those things to happen, but that the devil and his "followers" do. but then he brought up again the fact that God should surely have the power to stop these wars, even if he's not the one that causes them. i was completly stuck, and i always hate having the feeling that he actually does have a point. i didn't know what to say. we might've already discussed this question before, but if anyone reading this can help me form a better answer to his question i would really really appreciate it. and do me a favor and keep him in your prayers?

thanks everyone.


  1. Haley- I'm sorry if this doesn't help but my dad is on the fence between Christianity and atheism. It is so hard to talk to my dad about my faith because he just puts me down everytime I try to tell him. I know probably that all of us strugged in 'Behind Closed Doors' with the people that were atheist. All you can really do is continue to tell your dad about your faith and just really let God use you as a tool in your dad's life. I will definately pray for your dad.

  2. thanks allie. it helps to know that i'm not the only one dealing with this kind of thing. (:

  3. i love that you ask these questions. i will comment on it again soon when i can put my thoughts together. you guys are so stinkin cool


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