Monday, September 7, 2009

I Love James

Dear Quest, I was a little behind so I read James 2 and 3 today. Here are my thoughts:

James 2:
how much more clearly can God say "faith without works is dead"? We as Christians like to use that term often without removing the plank from our eye first. I had to check myself after reading this because knowing something is not enough, it needs to be applied to our daily lives. believing in anything is not enough, "The demons also believe and they shudder"(James 2:19). in Hebrews 11:1 the bible defines faith as "the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is unseen" so Christians have to have faith but what good is it to stop there? We need to do works with kindness and selflessness, and works are useless if God isn't given the glory. I have an example of that from my life, I wanted to do something that was a Christian program but I was convicted about it because I didn't have the right intentions going into it. I got caught up in being a "cool christian " who does awesome things for the wrong reasons and doesn't give God the glory for it. but I finally submitted to God's will and not my own, doing things for his approval not the approval of mankind. When we let go of those things and submit to the plan he has for us God becomes greater in our lives (John 3:30) .

James 3:
Wow, this one hits me harder the more I read it. I know this is something we all struggle with and I KNOW this is something I need to work on. The tongue has so much power, life and death, and we abuse that power by doing whatever we want to with it. We are quick to anger when someone uses their tongue against us but we turn around and do the same thing. I want to encourage you to encourage people with your tongue rather than take away from them. The other day someone told me there are 2 types of people in the world, adders and subtractors, adders add onto people's lives and subtractors take away from them. I would much rather be an adder, but it is easier to be a subtractor. Also I really like James 3:13 where it goes back to works and kind of connects the two topics from James 2 and 3.

I really appreciate everyone's opinions and God has opened my eyes to new things through what y'all have written so thanks and keep writing!



  1. Lila-
    Holy cow this was amazing! Great job on your post!! It actually really reminded me of when we read Proverbs- in 12:18-20.
    Its so true- I always have trouble gossipping at school. Either I'm telling the story, or listening to it. I am so wrong in doing that-- and in making sarcastic comments. Sure, I tell myself jokes, but they definately don't build others up. I think I'm gonna challenge myself to try to stop gossip whenever it comes out, or whenever I'm around it and also to build people up instead of tear them down. I'm not saying lie and tell your friend she's doing great if she fails a test, but tell her that it can get better and help her out, you know what I mean? I challenge any one who reads this to try out being quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger (James 1:19) this week and then keep on trying just to see how great the wisdom of the Lord is!
    Anyways, peace out. Awesome job Lila!

  2. "works are useless if God isn't given the glory..."


    our LIVES are useless if God isn't given the glory. In everything we do, sports, academics, music...the way we use our tongue haha. Our lives are used as a beautiful tempelate for God to paint a masterpiece with. He can use us in extrordinary ways, if we give him the glory. It's so true about checking our intentions and removing the plank from our own eyes...and I admire you so much for doing that. How awesome :D


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