Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Hey Quest-
I'm Allie from session 6 and this is my first post. I have no excuse for not posting any earlier, but i'm going to start now!
Ok, one of the things i've always struggled with is asking for help. I like to tell myself that I don't need anyone else to help me, but me. And I have been keeping up with the daily reading and stuff, but usually I am so confused about some of the things the Bible says. It seems so easy to just ask, 'why did this happen?' and stuff, but it's just so hard for me. I'm going to start posting my questions and my thoughts on this blog, and hopefully y'all can answer my questions and just help me out.
I have been praying daily for all of you that post here, and all of the people at Sky Ranch.
P.S.- Sorry that this has nothing to do with Acts!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Allie--- i'm so so so glad you are doing this with us! please don't shy away from it. we don't all have the answers...that's what this is for. to pose questions, to present deep thoughts and get feedback or help from each other, to share what we read and see what other people got from it. don't be afraid of that :) we all tackle with the text, we aren't seminary students by any means. be confident and at the same time, be humbled in the fact that sometimes you need counsel or help from others along the way :)
    so glad you're here!

  3. shoot I ask questions all the time. And it is really cool when you find answers to your questions. Never stop questioning... God will reveal himself over and over again!


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Talk about what you got out of it, what challenged you, questions you have, and any other cool stuff about what you read in scripture.