Tuesday, September 1, 2009

the key to my heart and the key to life

Hey questies! I have something unbelieveable to tell y'all...so you know how Madi and Whitley wear keys around their necks all the time? For those of you who don't already know, they wear them to symbolize that God holds the key to their hearts, and that God is the key to life. After I heard this, I was inspired, and I really wanted a key of my own to wear too. But it's not like I was just going to pick up a random house key and start wearing it. What I wanted was an old-fashioned looking key, maybe a silver one too. But, of course, I didn't have a spare old-fashioned looking silver key lying around, and I'm sure most people don't either. I told myself that I would just wear a simple silver cross instead, until I found the perfect key that I could start wearing to symbolize my ever-growing relationship with God. Then...it was a Saturday when my family and I were getting ready to take my sister down to A&M (she's a freshman) for her first day of college. We were going to stay overnight in college station, so I was in my room, packing some last minute things before we left. I quickly went to my jewelry box and opened my earrings drawer...and when I say earrings drawer, it is actually a drawer that literally says "earrings" on it. So, I've never put or seen anything else in this drawer besides earrings. I opened the drawer, and the first thing I saw was a perfect little old-fashioned looking silver key! I was amazed. But, I didn't know for sure if someone in my family had somehow put a random key in my room...but it wasn't very likely. So I asked them if they had ever seen the key before, and they said they hadn't. I don't know about y'all, but it seems to me like this key was sent from God Himself! It's really unexplainable. I'm still in shock, and this happened a couple of weeks ago. Is that cool or what?!


  1. HALEY!!! this is such a sign from the LORD! i am blown away by His deliverance and goodness in this situation.

    for one, i LOVE being able to be a part of your life through this blog. what an amazing tool that we have been given! to walk through the word of God together and to share our lives together! haley, i'm so thankful for that.
    for two, i am so proud of you. you have become so much more confident and BOLD in your relationship with Christ! It is the coolest thing ever to witness. thank you for letting us all be a part of it! and i believe in you...i am going to be praying for you to have boldness with your schoolmates and friends to share your life with Christ with them!


  2. I know, I was sooo amazed I didn't know what to do! So cool! I'm still wondering how in the world my key got there?!?! And the cool thing is, a few days after that I was just sitting in my room, reading the quest blog really late at night. And for some reason or another, I felt like someone was with me/someone was watching me. But not in the creepy way...haha. All of sudden I was just overwhelmed with this feeling of security and comfort, as if my guardian angel was in the room with me or something. But it was about two in the morning at that time (I wasn't tired I guess?), so then I started to get a little scared because for some reason I still felt like someone was there. But then I remembered all of the verses in the Bible that tell us to have FEAR of the Lord! To be afraid, but in a good way, you know? It was amazing!

    And Whitley, you have no idea how much your last comment means to me. (: It so reasurring to know that I have my Sky Ranch family to support me whenever my dad, brother, sister, or other non-believers (for lack of a better word) are pulling me down. Thanks for EVERYTHING! This blog (and of course, Sky Ranch itself) has turned my life around and made me such a better person. I feel so much happier these days, and I've become so much closer to God. It's the best feeling ever! Love you so much and thanks again for always inspiring me to keep persevering in my faith. (:


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Talk about what you got out of it, what challenged you, questions you have, and any other cool stuff about what you read in scripture.