Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How do you seek God?

Hey, it's DJ.
The other day i was feeling kinda lost about school and friends and some other stuff, so i try looking the Bible, a self help book, and to some of my Christian friends, but i didn't find anything. The next day, I let this effect me too much and it really messed up my day. At the end of the day, I was packing up my backpack to go home when one of my friends walks up to me and says, "Watch this."
It was a URL for the Rob Bell video "Noise." and I finally understood how to find Christ.
Obviously, the next day i walk up and thank my friend, and my entire attitude turns around.
The URL is
Whenever you feel that you need to find Christ, just be silent.

1 comment:

  1. wow. thank you so much for sharing this DJ. this is exactly what i've been needing. these past few weeks, i have felt so disconnected from God and like He hasn't been here or speaking to me at all. i'm going to try this.


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