Monday, August 16, 2010

Why I Became A Christian

It was just another day in pre-school and I was playing with lincoln logs with a girl who had joined my class recently. We talked about our favorite animals and games and such when she asked me a question that started to change the way I viewed myself.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Purple," I responded.

"Purple? That's weird. You should like pink. Pink is SO much better," she said.

That's when I started to become aware that people wanted to change me.

When my parents divorced right before kindergarten, that only strengthened my fear of being not liked because I was different. I was worried that my parents didn't love each other anymore because of something I did. That I was the reason behind it, and they didn't love each other enough because they didn't love me enough. Looking back, I realize how silly I was. I know my parents love me, they tell me so everyday, but the mind of a 6 year-old is easily bended.

Ever since I can remember, I've had friends that were always very different from me. I was always the 'angel' of the group. My old group of friends could be kind of... different at times. Different from me I mean. I can't explain it, they just were. And I always felt like they were trying to change me. I hated it. They'd suggest clothes for me to wear, ways for me to act, make fun of me because I didn't swear, and do things that their parents would not be happy about. But even though they did these things, I still loved them so much. They were awesome people, though most people couldn't see it. I'm not really friends with them anymore though, I guess we kind of just grew apart.

Though I'm not friends with them anymore, I still have a friend that I have had for forever and has changed the way I think of myself. She can be very judgmental and have very strong opinions, and I may hate her sometimes because she can make me want to change who I am, but she's also one of my best friends. I've also grown apart from her because she switched schools, but she is still a huge influence in my life.

Sorry, I've gotten kind of sidetracked, I need to back to the purpose of this post.

I was nine when I first went to Sky Ranch. My family wasn't very religious. We called ourselves Christian, but we weren't really Christian; we were lukewarm. We were very aware the Sky Ranch was a Christian camp, but I didn't really think about it. I had always liked the idea of God, that there was some higher power that was watching over me and keeping me safe in all I did.

During that first bible study, my entire life was changed. The bible study was mainly centered around the fact that God loves us more than we could comprehend. That He cares for us more than anything, and He always will be there for us.

That He would never want to change us.

When I realized that God was what I had wanted for my whole life, that He was someone who didn't want to change me, who loved me for who I was, I became a Christian. That week, I accepted Christ as my Lord and savior and my whole life was changed forever.

God loves us so much; it's incredible. He wants us to be happy and joyful and faithful and loving and caring and to follow him. Words can't describe how grateful I am for his everlasting love. It awes me. It also shows me that there are things in this world that I will never understand. How could someone so perfect and omniscient and sinless love someone like me who is so imperfect and sinful?

Our God is so amazing.

Psalm 136 is one of my favorites because it really hammers in the fact that God loves us; Every verse ends with for his steadfast love endures forever. And it truly does.

Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever. -Psalm 136:26

Loving the Lord,


1 comment:

  1. Ally that was such a cool post! The whole thing made me think of that song "How He Loves" by David Crowder Band. I'm sure you've heard it before...if not, listen to it!

    And it gives me so much hope to know that no matter what the world thinks about us, God will always love us. Thanks for posting!


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