Friday, August 6, 2010

I am not ashamed

Hey everyone, it's Haley from session 6! I just wanted to share a little bit what I learned during quest. At the beginning of the week, our counselors asked us what we wanted to get out of that week. I said I wanted to learn how to not be ashamed of my faith and to be able to share my faith with anyone at all. That week, I decided to start reading Romans for some reason. Immediately, God pointed me to the verse that change my whole perspective on my faith..."For I AM NOT ASHAMED of the gospel. It is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." ~ Romans 1:16. God was clearly and plainly telling me to be proud of my faith! After learning that at quest, I feel as if I can share God's Word with absolutely anyone. Whether that person be my brother or my friend at school or a random stranger, I have the confidence to do that now! God has given me the strength that I have prayed for for so long to be able to share my faith and my story with everyone I know. If you were at session 6, you heard me talk a little bit about this at campfire Friday night.

God gave me another incredible sign that told me not to be ashamed of my faith and be bold enough to share it. Saturday morning at the closing ceremony, we were all signing this year's camp song together. And for the first time, I really focused on every single word. "I am not ashamed to wear your cross your name. From this world I'm not set apart and now I'm not the same. I'm not ashamed to take you by the hand, with you I'll make my stand, with you I'll make my stand." And it all hit me once again...I AM NOT ASHAMED! Again God was clearly and plainly telling me to be proud of my faith. Isn't it amazing how whenever we need something to make us stronger all we have to do is ask God for it, and he immediately delivers?!

Another thing: I saw this video a few days ago, and now I watch it almost every day. It's to the song "O Praise Him" by David Crowder Band. It shows this random guy walking down the busy streets of NY, listening to this song. At first he just lip syncs a few of the words when no one is looking. By the end of the video, he is singing at the top of his lungs in the middle of the street on the median for everyone to see him! And could care less about the weird stares that some of the people give him! He praises God in front of everyone! Quest, I want to be like guy. I want to be BOLD. I want to learn how to live each day for God and only God, not worrying about the people around me who may disagree with my beliefs. And I feel like I'm slowing learning how to do those things. I am no longer ashamed of my faith!

Here's the link to the video:
The best part is 3:33-3:49 :)

Philippians 1:14, "...DARE more than ever to proclaim the word FEARLESSLY."

Love you all :)


  1. Haley, i know this is random but i don't think im using the blog right, it's like not showing up and ive posted a few things...

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Talk about what you got out of it, what challenged you, questions you have, and any other cool stuff about what you read in scripture.